questions for job interviews to ask
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Questions for job interviews to ask easy job work from home

Questions for job interviews to ask

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By asking this question you, as the interviewer, should be able to gauge if job seeker has an enthusiasm for the job opening or if they just applied blindly to the position. You could also review the experience in their resume with the job opening and ask them how they would react to specific situations. What steps do you take when making decisions? Is their process well thought out and organized or is it merely done on the fly? What has your typical role on a team been?

This question will give you insight into how previous employers viewed the interviewee as well as how the candidate may interact with fellow employees. Were they ever given charge of projects, or were they all ways in more of a supportive role?

How would your colleagues describe you? Asking this will give you a better idea of how they view themselves in the eyes of others and should reveal clues on their ability to work within a team environment. Are they known as the quiet one, the goofball, the communicator, the workaholic, or something else? Make sure to develop and refer to your ideal candidate personas to see if the answer aligns with the favorable personality traits you are looking for.

What motivates you to work? It is a simple question but requires the interviewee to exhibit a great amount of thought and often unlocks valuable discussions from a candidate looking internally for what truly motivates them. You may need to probe further do extract a deeper understanding of their motivations. Name a work accomplishment that makes you proud? With this line of interview questioning, you will learn about the job seeker in more depth and get a better idea of the types of work they have achieved from their previous and current company.

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This also gives the interviewee an opportunity to showcase some of their strongest qualities and any leadership skills they may have. Why are you a fit for this opportunity? This interview question will help you get a feel on if the applicants have done serious preparation in getting to know your company. Speak about some of your coworker relationships Personalities on teams are different.

This line of interview questioning sheds light on how they interact with others and will help you determine if the interviewee has the potential to be a happy productive member of your business. How do you define hard work in the workplace? Organizations move at different speeds from one another. If an interviewee is comfortable working in a laidback environment where hard deadlines are rare then they may not be a good fit for a position in which they have to constantly produce work in a fast-paced deadline-driven environment.

Do you like working with a team or working alone? This really depends on what opening the job seekers are applying for. Is it a desk job that only requires them to be by themselves self or is it work that demands coordination and communication with others? This question has more importance at this time due to the current remote working environment. What are some weak points you can work on?

All job applicants have weaknesses in their character or qualifications, and immediately admitting them during the interview can actually be a sign of strength. What are your greatest strengths to a company? The ability of a candidate to talk about their strengths and still maintain their humility is a strong indicator of a winning personality. Talk about a critical work situation you solved It is often in the pressure-filled and stressful situations where professionals and real leaders emerge victoriously and experience their greatest growth gains.

When conflict arises at work how do you handle it? Why do you plan on leaving your current employer? Listen closely to how the candidates show their respect for their current boss and company. Having this type of scrutiny will give you a better idea of how these candidates will treat their supervisors and colleagues if they are hired into your organization. What have past employees done to succeed in this position? What does a typical day look like in this role?

What type of employee tends to succeed here, and what qualities are the most important for succeeding here? This question sheds light on whether the organisation has a clear idea of who they want to employ in the role. How do you help your staff grow professionally? And also tells you if and how the organisation invests in its staff.

How do you respond to staff conflicts? Will I have the opportunity to meet my potential manager or colleagues during the interview process? How do you evaluate success in this role? How is your organisation addressing challenges in this field? Questions that tackle the problems and challenges specific to a role, or the procedures of the organisation itself, show real initiative, according to Brady.

What would you expect me to have achieved after 6 or 12 months in this role? Is this a new position? If not, why did the previous person leave? Knowing if the person in the role before you was fired, promoted or left of their own accord is valuable to know before you dive into the same position. What new initiatives or changes are on the horizon for the organisation? Change is a constant in most community organisations. Mergers, new funding, funding cuts, new leadership — these are perennial parts of many NFP organisations.

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Questions for job interviews to ask 673

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This shows that you have a life outside of work. Check one sample answer below. I am Mario, 25 years old, and I have just finished my Masters in Economy. I enjoy team work, and I am looking for my first job, ideally in a big company. I want to learn, and meet like-minded people in work.

In my free time I like to run, read, and meet with friends. I try to have positive outlook of life, and take everything that comes my way as an opportunity to become a better person. Question no. Hint: Motivation is one of the deciding factors in every single job interview. Do you apply for a job just because you want to earn money, or graduated from the field?

Do you apply only because you need a job, or do you really want to have this particular position? Your goal is to convince the employer that you genuinely want to work for them, and that you have a good reason for choosing their offer and not an offer of one of their competitors. Pre-interview research should help you to find a good answer.

You should learn something about the working environment, their vision and goals, the value they bring to their customers and business partners. Try to look for something that goes beyond your personal role in the company, something you can praise, something that resonates with you.

I really like the job description and believe I can fit here, and bring some value to your team of financial analysts. On the top of that, I have the right education for this position, and I would enjoy working in an international environment. Your store is just ten minute away from my apartment, and I shop here regularly. I like the way you approach customers, and I would be proud do be a member of your team.

On the top of that, I like the vision of your company, the way this store is organized, and overall I have a good feeling about the place. Special Tip: You can download all 30 questions screening and behavioral in a simple, one page long. PDF, print it, and practice your interview answers anytime later, with a friend, or alone: Question no. Hint: Changing a job, or even a career, is completely normal.

Nevertheless, employers want to understand why you plan to make a change, or why you were forced to make your move. They try to understand whether they can count with you in a long run, and how it will feel to work with you. Do you look for good things, or for bad things in a job? Do you demand a lot from your colleagues, or do you demand a lot from yourself? Regardless of your past experience, you should focus on good things. Even if they fired you in your last job for no real reason , try to speak nicely about your former colleagues and employers.

Nobody wants to hire an employee who will complain about everything, a person who always looks for the worst… I had my job in a restaurant for four years. I enjoyed the company of my colleagues, and believe that I helped the guests to enjoy the place. But I needed a change. The duties were repetitive, and I felt I was not moving forward anymore. They fired me because I had a different opinion than the director of the company.

Nothing wrong with him—we just had a different philosophy of leadership, and how things should be done. Maybe he was right, maybe I was—only time will tell. But I do not want to live in the past. Now I am here, looking for a new challenge, and an opportunity to help your company to prosper. Hint: A degree has never made a good employee of anyone. Nonetheless, HR managers will often inquire about your education, trying to understand your attitude to learning.

You should focus on the practical skills and abilities that will help you in your new job. These matter more than the names of degrees and educational institutions—unless you graduated from Harvard or Cambridge, obviously :. I have studied at ABC University. I acquired knowledge of statistics, project management and accounting, beside many other subjects.

I took part in projects and competitions we had at school. I believe that my education and internship that followed prepared me perfectly for a job in your company. Testing your numerical and verbal abilities, English skills, behavioral tendencies, and other, they get a good picture about your readiness for the job. The only way to prepare for the tests is practicing them in advance. We strongly recommend the following assessment test practice package more than online practice tests from JobTestPrep.

Be sure to check it out especially if you apply for a job in a big corporation, because almost all Fortune companies use assessment tests in their interview process… Question no. Hint: Employers can read about your experience on your resume.

Nevertheless, they want to hear what matters to you, and they want to see your attitude to work. You should pick one or two roles that are most relevant for your current job application, and then you should speak about your duties, achievements, and lessons you learned while having them. If you had just one job in the past, and it was completely irrelevant to the one you try to get, you can at least say that the experience helped you to gain basic working habits, and simply to prepare for an employment in general.

I have worked only at Walmart so far. But I learned a lot there, how to approach the customers, how to work with other people. It is not such as easy job as it seems, since the workload is heavy most days. But I do not complain, just I hope to get a better job now, and learn something new again.

As you can see on my resume, this is my first job application. But I have done some volunteering for Red Cross, and I worked a lot with my father while we were renovating the house. I believe that I know what it means to have a job, and I am eager to finally start working somewhere, after many years of studying, and preparing for employment. Special Tip: Typical job interview is a competitive affair.

Corporate jobs with good salaries attract dozens or hundreds of applications. In order to succeed, you have to stand out. The answer I show you here everyone can see—and they are definitely good for a start. But if you apply for a decent corporate job, you will face more difficult questions, and you should come up with better answers than your competitors.

If you want to do so, you should check out our Interview Success Package. Check the product page for samples and see for yourself… Thank you! Hint: If someone hires you for a job, they will pay you a monthly salary, and they will also pay money to the government—just for having you onboard.

Will you become a great investment, an asset for their team, or will they just lose money hiring you? HR managers try to find the answer. This is arguably one of the most difficult questions. You should focus on something unique, a value you can bring to their team. Sample answers should give you some inspiration. And when you can not find anything special, you can at least list relevant skills and abilities that make from you a great candidate for the job.

I had the very same job with one of your competitors, and I can bring a new perspective to your team. We can talk about things they did better, and I believe my feedback and experience will help to improve your own results. I am young, eager to learn, and motivated to work hard. I have passion for numbers, and I would really enjoy having this job.

Hint: Professional interviewers should identify your strengths—without inquiring about them. They get their salary for this capacity. Nevertheless, you can meet a variety of bodies in your interview. Sometimes the person leading the meeting can have little or no experience with interviewing people for the job think owners of small business, or HR generalists who are just starting their career. In this case, the question makes at least some sense.

You should pick relevant strengths. If possible, you should elaborate on your answer, saying how you demonstrated your strengths in your career, how they helped you in the jobs you had if you had any jobs before. I love to talk to people, and I believe I do understand them well—what they need and desire in their lives. My empathy helped me in my volunteering experience in a nursing home, and I hope to use this strength in my career as a social worker.

Responsibility is my greatest strength. I consider my job the first priority, and it has never happened to me that I came late to work, or that I did not finalize my tasks in time. Hint: I will repeat myself. Professional interviewers should identify your principal weaknesses after talking to you for five minutes, or even for less. At least I can do that :. But anyone can lead an interview with you, and good interviewers often also use this question, trying to see what you think about yourself.

Can you admit having a weakness? Are you humble, or over-confident? Those who believe to have no weaknesses can hardly move forward in life, since they do not see any areas for improvement. For the complete list of all the questions you can ask the interviewer , check out our article! Look at it from the point of view of the potential employer. Would they hire someone if they answered this question with: A good salary.

Instead, explain to the interviewer that this job at this company is the perfect fit for you. Mention what your short-term and long-term career goals are, and how this position ties to them. There, I used to do programmatic ads model design.

I believe that worked with such a large-scale project will allow me to progress significantly faster in my career. The right way to go about here is to find common ground between the two answers. The interviewer is probably asking because they want to know whether they have competition in hiring you. They also want to know if you are serious about the industry and are legitimately looking to be employed in this field of work.

If you do have other interviews lined up for other companies, express that you are keeping your options open but that you favor this job in comparison to the others. Stick to the same approach. Possible answers: Sample Answer 1: I have had two interviews during the past week with companies in X and Y industries. To get this right, try using the STAR method.

It goes something like this: S: Situation - Set the scene and context. T: Task - Describe what your challenge or responsibility was. A: Action - List and dwell on all the actions you took towards addressing the challenge or responsibility. R: Result - Explain what the outcomes were and how they fit with the overall goal of the project or company.

So, find a work-related achievement that showcases your contribution through your skills and experience to something that matters to the company. Instead of just complaining about a lack of direction, I started reading up on digital marketing - pretty much anything I could get my hands on.

With a lot more confidence in my abilities, I started experimenting with other strategies. Then, over the next 2 years, I got promoted to Head of Marketing. My family was unable to support me financially, so I had to take care of all the university bills on my own. Through hard work and dedication, I ended up graduating with almost no student loans.

I managed this through a combination of: Working part-time while studying Doing seasonal full-time work during the summer Maintaining a high CGPA and winning 2 scholarships over 4 years 13 What kind of work environment do you like best? For example, some organizations are pretty structured and hierarchical, they require tight organization and have a well-planned day filled with rules and guidelines on how to do things.

On the other hand, some companies are more laid back, with a lot less bureaucracy. So, the takeaway? Look at employee reviews on GlassDoor, or if you know someone already working there, ask them. Depending on what you learn, answer accordingly. Possible answers: Sample Answer 1: I work best in smaller companies. I really dislike the corporate world - rules, guidelines, SOPs, and so on.

I perform best when I have a certain level of freedom to do things. Sample Answer 2: I love working in a youthful, energetic environment. I like to think of my work as a second home, and my coworkers as family. The last company I worked at had such an environment, and I excelled at the job. I get that exact feeling about Company X, since the moment I walked in here for the interview. There are diplomatic ways to go around it.

In general, the motivation behind this question is for the interviewer to assess whether you are an ambitious person or not and whether you have realistic expectations for your career. While I loved what I studied at the university, I want to see if working in the field feels the same.

Still not sure how to answer this one? You already know the most common job interview questions, and can probably deflect whatever the interviewer throws at you. Depending on your specific situation, though, you might also need to learn how to answer these situational job interview questions The degree is not the dealbreaker here, but your answer to the question might be.

When asking this question, the interviewer is trying to see your reasoning for pursuing a career instead of getting another degree. Instead, give compelling arguments, such as… You wanted to see whether your field was the right one for you. You wanted to get some practical work experience before committing to another degree.

Possible answers: Sample Answer 1: At this stage of my life, I decided to pursue my career instead of further education. On the one hand, I want to make sure that Marketing is what I want to do with my life. On the other hand, I believe that in my field, practical work experience is a lot more valuable than academic. I believe that for software engineering, practical experience matters a lot more than having a degree.

After all, job-hopping is one of the biggest red flags for HR managers. True, you might have had a reasonable cause. Companies tend to be skeptical because of the following reasons… You might be a job hopper. Some people tend to switch jobs the moment they get a better salary offer. You get bored easily and your solution to that is quitting.

The best way to answer this question is to explain the reason you switched jobs. I work with: -Landing pages -Email marketing -And sales pages Around a week after I started work at the company, I realized that they were actually looking for something completely different. They asked me to write generic blog and social media posts, which is pretty far off from what I do.

This was really not what I expected, and not something I find interesting. Sample Answer 2: Well, as a start, my first job was in a big corporation straight out of university. So, at the end of my internship there, I decided to try working at a startup. I enjoyed that job a LOT more, as it gave me a lot of freedom when it comes to problem-solving. I wasn't told HOW to do it. Rather, I was given the option of coming up with my own solution.

Unfortunately, the company went belly-up after failing to raise money, putting me back on the job market. If you recently changed your career path , the interviewer is sure to ask about it. A lot of people go through a career change. Some even do it several times in their lifetime! When asked this question, all you have to do is answer truthfully. Possible answers: Sample Answer I realized that being a doctor is not for me. While I did enjoy my 3 years in med school, the 6 year study period was too much.

I wanted to start making money and help out my family way before that, so I dropped out of university and started taking online courses in accounting. Sample Answer 2 Simply because I enjoy doing sales much more than accounting. After 5 years of working as an accountant for Firm X, I decided I wanted to try something new.

I asked my boss at the time to let me transition to the sales team, and I ended up liking it AND being pretty good at it. When asking this question, the interviewer wants to learn: Did you have a good reason for leaving your last job?

I learned as much as I could at this position while delivering amazing results. It was, however, time to switch to something new. Meaning, did you go through the offboarding process, instructing your coworkers on how to take up your responsibilities?

The management was too controlling and micromanaging. I prefer to have some control over my work, and being able to contribute by going above and beyond my requirements. Meaning, gave a timely resignation notice , and transferred all the essential company knowledge to my replacement. The fault was in my communication skills at the time. The losses were not more than 3-figures, but apparently, the relationship with the client was already strained, so they ended up leaving.

You probably have a very good reason for it. The interviewer, however, will definitely ask about it, and you should answer adequately. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that if you were laid off at work, or you quit and had trouble getting a new job , you should be very subtle about it. Now this is a tough one. Getting fired is pretty much never good.

Getting fired, on the other hand, means that you got let go for a reasonable cause. If you got fired and the interviewer asks you about it, you should be honest. After all, they can easily check-in with your previous employer. My boss is a total tool, and he hates me for no real reason. He yelled at me for no real reason! The interviewer was unclear about the job responsibilities - from what I understood, they were looking for a senior-level marketer to oversee their email marketing operations.

At the end of the day, though, it turned out that the company was looking to experiment with email marketing, and specifically for someone to set it up from scratch. Now, you should look at this as a red flag. In this case, ask them to clarify what they mean.

Do you offer overtime pay for this kind of situation? During my weekend-off, not one, but three of my coworkers got sick, and I had to spot for them. The weekend was peak season in Nantucket, so the restaurant was getting seriously overwhelmed. All of a sudden, we went from being very prepared for the season, to complete panic.

Had to jump between serving, bussing, and line-cooking, but overall, managed to survive through the weekend successfully. Did your boss give you a glowing performance review? Make sure to mention it here! My position as a PR manager involves constantly keeping track of our clients brand reputation, and if something goes wrong, dealing with it as fast as possible.

In a lot of cases, you need to be very proactive - if you wait for your entire team to have a meeting on how to deal with the issue, it might already be too late. There were different situations where I had to take charge and react to problems literally the moment they arose, whether it was during my work hours, or not.

When asking this question, the interviewer wants to learn if you have any medical conditions that could impair your ability to do the job correctly. Chances are, at this stage of the interview, you already know a lot about your future position and the company. What are the key processes? What does your department do? What are the current problems and challenges? Where can you help?

Give the interviewer an exact example of when you excelled at working with a team. I excel at team-work. This one time while working at [Company X], I was assigned to an existing team working on a web application for a business process management company. They were working on a tight deadline, and needed help on the API side.

I optimised their development cycles and oversaw a team of three developers while collaborating with the other two dev teams. Everything went pretty well, and we managed to finish the project on time. Ask yourself - is risk-taking a valuable skill for the job? So, depending on how valuable risk is for your job, answer accordingly. You could also give a more strategic answer. You need to be a risk taker to an extent, but being too risk-friendly might make the entire company go bankrupt. As with most interview questions, you should give examples of situations where you had to take risks, and what the end-results were.

I believe that to achieve real results, you always need to be willing to take a certain level of risk. Pretty much any marketing initiative you launch is tied to risk. You can plan everything from beginning till the end, but no matter how well you plan it out, things might just not work out. The most important things are to one, minimize your risks, and two, minimize potential damages if everything goes very, very wrong.

While working at Investment Bank X, we had a very interesting policy for investing in new fintech projects. We used to avoid moon-shots, high-tech projects, as well as anything that had an experimental business model. Our strategy was to invest in proven tech. As in, proven product-market fit, business model, etc.

In most cases, these were runner up companies. More often than not, this ended up being more profitable, and significantly less risky. During chaos and panic, I tend to take a step back, think, plan, and prioritize. I would break up large assignments into small, individual tasks, and prioritize based on: How fast I could complete each task Figuring out which task would take the longest Which project had the earliest deadline This way, my work became a lot more manageable.

The most times I had to experience such situations, the better I performed overall. I look at it as a challenge - a situation where I really have to up my game to succeed. As a cook, working under pressure is pretty much part of the job. By definition, hard work is when you, well, work hard. Smart work on the other hand, means doing the work efficiently. Keep in mind, though, that by asking this question, the interviewer is looking to understand what your work ethic is like.

That is, they want you to be the candidate who not only thinks smartly but works hard as well. Smart work, on one hand, lets you figure out the best and most efficient way to get things done. For an example of smart for, during my time at [Made Up Corporation], I was in charge of the sales department. On the other hand, the whole migration process took around 3 months of hard work.

So, you should be able to pick up new tech ASAP. So, when answering this question, you should talk about how tech-savvy you are. If the interviewer asks you this question, take it as a good sign!