psychologist jobs
psychologist jobs

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Psychologist jobs

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According to the U. Geropsychologists can work in a wide range of areas, from providing mental health services to aging adults to designing products that make life easier for the elderly. Health Psychologist Health psychologists study how psychological, biological, and social factors influence health. Two important areas of health psychology include helping people avoid illness and promoting healthy behaviors.

Educating people about the causes of illness and teaching healthier habits are just two things that a health psychologist might do on a regular basis. These professionals often work in settings such as hospitals, universities, health care centers, and government agencies. Some of the job duties they may perform include helping people to lose weight, stop smoking, eat healthily, and decrease stress. There are several different specialty areas within industrial-organizational psychology.

While there are some job opportunities at the master's degree level, those with a doctoral-level degree in industrial-organizational psychology are in greater demand and command significantly higher salaries. One sub-specialty area of the field involves working in human resources management to screen and hire job applicants. These professionals are often involved in designing and administering employment screening tests and selecting job candidates that are the best fit for particular positions within a company.

School Psychologist School psychologists work in educational settings to help children deal with emotional, academic, and social problems. Thanks to increased interest in the mental health of children and federal education legislation, school psychology has rapidly become one of the fastest-growing fields.

Special Education Teacher While slightly outside of a traditional psychology career, the field of special education offers a great deal of opportunity for those who enjoy helping children. Special education teachers work with students with a variety of disabilities. In order to become a special education teacher, you must have at least a bachelor's degree and complete a teacher training program in special education. Because of the increased enrollments in special education programs and a shortage of qualified teachers, demand is strong and expected to grow.

Sports Psychologist Sports psychologists focus on the psychological aspects of sports and athletics, including topics such as motivation, performance, and injury. The two major areas within sports psychology are centered on helping to improve athletic performance or using sports to improve mental and physical health. Sports psychologists work in a wide variety of settings including universities, hospitals, athletic centers, private consulting practices, and research facilities.

Traffic Psychologist Traffic psychology is an emerging field that involves applying psychological principles to understanding driver behavior. Some areas in this field include: Designing vehicles that are safer and more ergonomic Researching how people use transportation Searching for ways to improve traffic safety and prevent auto accidents Studying the relationship between driver behavior and traffic accidents Traffic psychology often involves a multidisciplinary approach, combining fields such as social psychology, behavioral psychology, and cognitive psychology.

For example, traffic psychologists might assess how perception and cognition influence performance during a driving task. They might also look at how individual personality affects a driver's emotions , attitudes , and risk-taking behavior while driving. More Career Options in Psychology Did one of the careers highlighted above catch your eye?

Or are you still looking for something that matches your interests and goals? The specific career you pursue will depend largely on your educational background. Some entry-level jobs are open to those with an undergraduate degree in psychology, while others require advanced or graduate-level study. The following are just a few of the many psychology-related job titles that you might want to explore. Some are directly in the field of psychology, while others require additional training in another field or specialty area.

Staff Psychologist, a position in high demand, is usually posted using an 'open-continuous' announcement. That means you can choose the top two facilities you wish to be considered for. Here's how: Apply for a Staff Psychologist position at www. After your application is accepted, you will be added to our register of candidates. When a position becomes available at one of the facilities you selected, you will be considered. If selected, we will contact you with an offer. Check out the application process for helpful tips!

Visit usajobs. Positively changing lives is what being a Psychologist is all about. There's nowhere more exciting to do that than the Bureau of Prisons. The case diversity and complexity are unmatched.

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