jobs for a teenager near me
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Jobs for a teenager near me best job work from home

Jobs for a teenager near me

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Sometimes, places that hire a lot of teens do it because they feel like they can take advantage of a less knowledgable workforce when it comes to things like labor laws, giving proper breaks, giving proper overtime, holidays, and so on. Young and nieve workers are seen as a resource to exploit, and they are often seen as disposable. In a previous article, we talked about some tips for finding work that you can do remotely online.

In other words, no matter where you live, there should be some useful advice here to help you navigate the world of trying to land a job. The better and more in-demand jobs can take a bit of luck to get, or knowing the right person. Check job boards Keeping an eye on the popular job board websites and classifieds can be a great way to catch new job postings, too. Just make sure you can handle the kids, as that will be your real job.

When people talk about flipping burgers for a living it is rarely with prideful glee. That said, jobs like this were designed for teenagers. It is low responsibility and low risk. A mistake is easily correctly and, lets be honest, not incredibly important. So Mrs.

Smith got a cheeseburger instead of a double cheeseburger. So what? Not bad. Perk: Flexible hours, year-round work Con: Boring, monotonous work 8 Retail Worker Retail work is a little less flexible than working at a fast food joint. It is also a little less greasy. You can expect to tidy up, stock items, and help customers. Like the food industry, you will earn points for great customer service skills and becoming a master cash handler. NOTE: Check out our retail interview questions article.

Perk: Year-round work, retail discounts Con: Boring, monotonous work 9 Movie Theater Worker If cinema is your preferred past time, perhaps working at a movie theater will feed your fire. The skills are transferable — customer service and cash. The perks are specific — movie tickets. Perk: Year-round work, free movie tickets Con: Boring, monotonous work 10 Grocery Store Worker Bagging groceries is the job most often touted as appropriate for teens, but many large grocery stores will consider young workers for other jobs.

Running the cash register, working at the bakers, or overseeing self-service are all possibilities. This job requires investment and the spirit of entrepreneurship. The investment, however, can be quite small. You can buy in bulk to sell piecemeal, create your own or even purchase items from your local good will to sell at a profit. Perk: A big part of your job is essentially shopping, flexibility, control Con: No assurance of success, risky 12 Writer The internet has made working a beginning writer significantly easier, though it has also depressed prices.

First and foremost, you need to be a good writer. Beyond this, it often takes published writing samples to get into the field. Submit several pieces in your field of interest to a blog or magazine as a volunteer writer. Then register at a freelancer site such as Upwork or Freelancer.

Also begin by applying for internships. Perk: Enjoyable work, flexible Con: Requires upfront investment of time and energy for little reward, no assurance of success 13 Web Developer Though the internet is connecting web developers to clients at a faster rate than ever before, it is also connecting web developers worldwide to these opportunities.

Unlike writing, impeccable English is not a requirement. That said, if you have the skills you can find work. Put together a portfolio, create a killer github account, and then take to freelancing sites and put yourself out these Perk: Enjoyable work, flexible Con: Requires upfront investment of time and energy for little reward, no assurance of success 14 Entrepreneur Becoming an ebayer or freelancer is the very outskirts of entrepreneurial activity.

The sky is the limit and the specifics of this job depend entirely on you. What are you skills? What are you passions? How do they intersect with a market need? There are plenty of traditional opportunities for teens, and it is never too early to start building the independent career that you hope to one day achieve.

The experience of working through high school will follow you longer than you know. It shows maturity, responsibility, and gumption at an age when all too many young people are sorely lacking in these attributes. Save a cow. Get a job. You can land a job interview pretty quickly after applying for one of these jobs, so it pays to be prepared for your interview.