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Local jobs for retirees ibew local 6 job calls

Local jobs for retirees

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There are many reasons someone might want a job in retirement, for some having a part-time job in retirement might be to make some extra money or it might be to stay involved and keep minds active and healthy. Sell your homemade crafts online This may seem like an obvious one or something everyone seems to be doing but hear us out. In recent years, there has been a big shift in the way we buy goods, with a much bigger focus on handmade items from small businesses and independent sellers.

If you have a hobby of making things, whether this is candles, soaps, knitted goods or other craft items, then why not turn it into a small business and make some extra money doing what you love. We recommend setting up a shop on Etsy, the website is easy to use and they help you set up your online store step by step. Even though they do take a small fee from sales, they showcase your product to a number of potential buyers and keep all your payments safe and secure.

Tutoring Tutoring a child or a young person can be extremely rewarding, after years of gathering knowledge why not share this with the younger generation. There are often lots of opportunities to tutor students in a range of different subjects, therefore you can choose one that you have an interest and knowledge in.

It is also very rewarding to watch your student develop and improve as each week passes. Dog Walking Not only is dog walking a great way to earn a bit of extra cash, but it is also beneficial for your health. It is a great reason to get outdoors and increase your daily exercise with the company of one or more furry companions.

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Plus, you generally get some flexibility when it comes to determining your hours and working conditions. Writer and subject matter expert Another way to share your knowledge is by writing about it. In this age of information, many people are looking for authoritative content online or in print. So if you're an expert on a particular subject, get your name out there! Begin by starting a blog, publishing articles on platforms such as LinkedIn , or approaching publications related to your area of expertise.

Teacher Why not teach others about your field? Community colleges and community centers often hire temporary instructors to teach classes for professional development or general interest. So check out your local college, community center, or seniors' center to see what's already being offered and inquire about the possibility of creating new classes based on your particular areas of expertise.

Keep in mind that you don't have to be an academic scholar or professor. Your knowledge and experience could be enough to qualify you to teach self-enrichment classes in a college's continuing education department. For example, if your former career was in the food industry, you could offer to teach a cooking class.

Driving-related positions often make sense for healthy seniors who want to stay on the go. On-demand driver Services such as Uber and Lyft need independent drivers to take passengers from place to place. Because you set your own hours, on-demand driving is one of the most flexible part-time jobs for seniors. In fact, according to a survey by Benenson Strategy Group , about 23 percent of Uber's drivers are over Plus, two-thirds of Uber contractors have no previous job history as drivers.

So these services offer suitable jobs for older people with no experience but clean driving records. If you're thinking about getting a new vehicle, check out some of the best cars for seniors. Average hourly wage: Varies by location and time of day. Just keep in mind that you'll be an independent contractor. That means you're responsible for the cost of vehicle maintenance, insurance, gas, and Social Security and Medicare taxes.

You'll also probably have to pay a booking fee and commission. However, you can claim fuel expenses on your tax returns. People who drive their vehicles for work can choose to take deductions by mileage or by deducting car maintenance expenses. If you choose to deduct maintenance expenses, you can write off a percentage of car payments for leased vehicles as well as a percentage of repair costs.

But it's often a better deal to choose mileage deductions. According to the IRS , the mileage rate for is The IRS can be very picky about vehicle-related deductions, so keep good records. Courier Deliver food, packages, or other goods from restaurants, stores, or warehouses to the local people who ordered them. The increased use of services like Amazon Flex and GrubHub is leading to more opportunities. You need to be efficient in these jobs, since workers are often held to time-frame standards for delivery.

Medical courier work is also becoming more common. A medical courier transports and delivers test results, lab specimens, images such as x-rays , medications, and other medically necessary items. As an example, Amazon couriers are independent contractors and can set the hours they are available to work. As with driving-on-demand work, Amazon couriers are responsible for paying gas and vehicle maintenance costs.

You Want Social Contact Having regular social contact is an important part of a healthy retirement. In fact, a lower risk of dementia and depression are two possible health benefits for working seniors. Jobs that involve a lot of personal interaction can help seniors stay engaged and boost day-to-day happiness levels.

ESL teacher Helping others master the English language is one of the best jobs for meeting new people and learning about foreign countries. You can teach overseas and combine work with travel. Or you can stick close to home and meet people from other cultures while helping them acquire English language proficiency. Customer service representative Do you enjoy talking on the phone? Why not help people by answering questions and solving problems?

You need patience and good communication skills for this work. Basic computer knowledge is also necessary. But work-at-home jobs are available. And the Occupational Outlook Handbook OOH says that some positions in this field are part-time, which can make customer service a good option for seniors.

Tour guide Share your love of local attractions and inspire others with your knowledge of history and geography. Depending on the venue, you could meet people from around the world. Public-speaking skills and a good memory are essential. Retail salesperson This is one of the most popular jobs for seniors. And it's easy to see why: Retail positions often have flexible schedules, opportunities for friendly contact with customers, and even healthcare benefits if you work for a larger company.

For example, Costco, Whole Foods, and REI provide health insurance benefits to part-time workers as long as they work a certain number of hours per week. Plus, salespeople are often eligible for a store discount. And you could work at a store that aligns with your personal interests—for example, a bookstore if you like to read, a clothing store if you follow fashion, or a sports store if you're athletically inclined. Casino worker Working in a casino is a great option for seniors who enjoy being surrounded by people in an exciting, fast-paced environment.

You could deal cards, run the roulette wheel, do surveillance, and more. Casinos often train new employees on the job, but you can also attend a gaming school to learn how the industry works. Casino workers must be licensed by the state they work in. Event usher or attendant Do you enjoy attending concerts, plays, and sporting events?

Consider helping out—and earning some money—as an usher or event attendant. You could help people find their seats, take tickets, and provide general assistance. These jobs generally don't require much training, and they typically involve part-time work hours. Evening and weekend shifts are common.

Greeter Are you a real people person? Greeters welcome visitors with a friendly hello as they enter stores or other facilities. Generally, they also answer questions, assist people with packages, keep an eye out for shoplifters, and do basic cleaning. You should be comfortable standing for long periods of time. As a senior, careers in the service sector may offer fulfilling ways to help others by drawing upon your years of valuable life experience.

Tutor Do you have a strong background in an academic area? You could help others successfully learn that subject. Plus, tutoring is usually a flexible job since you can often set your own hours and choose your clients. Your clients could include anyone from elementary students to adult learners.

Tutors who know how to help students prepare for college-entrance tests such as the SAT are also in demand. You can work independently by finding your own clients, or you can work for an established tutoring company. Personal care aide or home health aide Want to feel that you're truly making a difference?

Personal care aides help people who are disabled or sick by assisting them with basic everyday needs. For example, you could provide assistance with things like errands, laundry, and bathing. But this can be physical work, so you should be comfortable lifting heavier objects and helping clients move from place to place within their homes or while out running errands. As a home health aide, you could change bandages or dressings, monitor body temperature, and administer basic medications.

Home health aides are usually allowed to perform more medically necessary tasks than personal care aides. These types of roles are some of the top jobs for women over 50 since maturity and life experience are highly valued in them. Although people of any gender can work in this field and a need exists for more males, over 90 percent of care workers are female, according to an article in the Journal of Gerontological Social Work.

Plus, many clients who are often seniors themselves prefer older workers over younger workers who may not empathize as much with the difficulties they face. Childcare worker Help care for other people's children. You could find work in a daycare, childcare center, or as a private nanny. If you don't have formal childcare experience, completing an early childhood education program can help you find a position.

Certificate programs can often be completed in one year or less. You also may need to complete a criminal record check. And you should have good physical stamina since children have a lot of energy. Teacher assistant Help teachers by working one on one with students and providing other support as needed. Some teacher assistants even work with special needs students. But you may need a two-year associate degree. And you should be in good physical shape. Although we don't tend to think of teaching as a physical career, the OOH says that teacher assistants sometimes get hurt while doing their jobs.

School bus monitor School bus drivers need to focus on driving, but students can get unruly. So who keeps things in order so that buses travel safely? School bus monitors. If you like kids and can keep your cool in sometimes chaotic conditions, this can be a rewarding job.

In addition to opportunities to earn good wages, these kinds of jobs offer the chance to receive good benefits, such as a solid health insurance plan—something that becomes even more important as we age. Government worker Older people who are looking for competitive salaries and great benefits should consider government jobs.

Seniors are well-represented within the federal government workforce, since more than 25 percent of federal workers are over One big perk of government jobs is that many of them come with a good pension. Plus, many federal workers are eligible for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, even after they stop working.

Unlike the private sector, the government continues to pay a portion of the premiums after a worker retires. And remember that some agencies within the federal government have programs specifically for seniors. Wages: Vary widely from position to position SEE Program participant The Senior Environmental Employment SEE Program within the Environmental Protection Agency aims to give experienced workers over the age of 55 opportunities to use their knowledge and applicable work experience by doing meaningful jobs that helps the environment.

People who participate in the SEE Program aren't employees of the federal government. However, they still get paid, and they are eligible for benefits like health insurance and paid holidays. But the following jobs are more sedentary, and they can accommodate people with physical disabilities. Temporary office worker Flexibility is often a big advantage of this kind of job. So if you're a senior who has good days and bad days when it comes to your physical or mental health, temp work might be a good option.

As a temp worker, you generally have some freedom to tell potential employers when you'll be available or feeling well enough to work—without making long-term commitments. In addition, many temp jobs involve sitting—without any physically demanding work.

Temporary-staffing agencies can help you find suitable positions. But they might take a percentage of what you earn. Average hourly wage: Varies by the type of job you are contracted to do Administrative assistant Help businesses and organizations run smoothly by answering phones, booking appointments, responding to customers' questions, and doing other administrative tasks. This work is often done sitting down. However, you need good vision for most positions.

Virtual assistant These workers do similar tasks to administrative assistants, but they typically work remotely. So this is a great option for people who are looking for jobs for seniors at home. Plus, working as a virtual assistant is possible while traveling since the work can be done anywhere with a good Internet connection.

Tax preparer Are you good at doing your own taxes? Why not make some money by preparing tax returns for other people? You don't have to be a certified accountant, but you do need to obtain a Preparer Tax Identification Number from the IRS and pass a competency exam. You could work for yourself or for a large company. Dog walker or pet sitter Are you an animal lover? Many pet owners are looking for help with their beloved companions.

And many are willing to pay substantial sums to keep their pets happy and healthy. However, this job carries a lot of responsibility since you must look after a prized family member. Sites such as Rover match potential pet sitters with pet owners. Or you can advertise your services within your community. Handyperson Handy, physically fit seniors can help others with odd jobs and repairs. To find clients, you can advertise in your community or apply for a job with an established company. One other option for finding clients is TaskRabbit , which works a bit like Uber.

The app matches people who are looking to do odd jobs with people who need repair work or help with miscellaneous household jobs. Tasks can range from assembling furniture to fixing plumbing issues. Coach or referee For sports lovers who want to stay active, coaching can be a rewarding job option. Although the pay is often low, working with young athletes comes with many other benefits. Depending on the level you coach, you may need to be certified. Most coaches also need to know basic first aid and complete a background check.

Working as a referee is also a job possibility for senior sports fans. The training required varies by sport and level of competition. You may need to work a lot of weekends and evenings, but you'll have the satisfaction of helping others safely enjoy your favorite game.

Security guard You may think that working as a security guard wouldn't be a good fit for older people who don't have military or law-enforcement backgrounds. But seniors often have the patience and life experience to succeed in this career.

Plus, you can be trained on the job, although you'll likely need to pass a thorough background check as well as a drug test. For armed guards, the training and required qualifications are more extensive. Gardener or landscaper Gardening is definitely a popular hobby among seniors. But did you know it's possible to turn your passion for plants into profits?

You could find individual clients in your neighborhood, work for a nursery, or find a job with a landscaping company. This work is often seasonal, and it can involve working in inclement weather conditions. Maybe you've been one of them. But retirement could be your chance to earn a little money and explore those interests at the same time.

Why not do what you love?

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Opportunities range from editing manuscripts to proofreading newsletters. The job involves designing and developing a learning curriculum, says Weiler Reynolds, a need that crops up in a variety of industries including healthcare, business, IT, and graphic design. With often decades of experience in a particular industry, retirees can use their well of knowledge to help educate others.

Coordinators, says Weiler Reynolds, typically develop and implement marketing campaigns, track data, maintain databases, handle social media, and more. Many require an English teaching certificate. This job typically requires a substantial understanding of various industries and job functions.

And often these openings require previous resume writing experience. Additional requirements typically include strong English and grammar skills.