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Social work consultant jobs

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Our collective expertise transcends individual industries, allowing us to contribute across functions and help our clients transform their businesses, their customer bases, and their communities. To learn more about consulting at BCG and how you can use your expertise to solve complex challenges and accelerate your career, check out our consulting jobs below.

Digital Strategy Consultant Use your strategic digital expertise to help CEOs and their teams solve their biggest challenges and gain a deeper understanding of how digital and technology can change the shape of their business. Expert Project Leader Bring your deep expertise and dedication to operational excellence to advise clients on topics like enablement and E2E optimization and digitization and help them to effect operational change.

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My degree is in Psychology and Theology, but sincere person to person skills are key to this social media and networking industry. This is not an act. These are real life people and businesses that demand real results. And teachers and professors that do not know the new media world cannot teach it; so the students of today are greatly lacking in this area. I say put those great people skills together with online media platform awareness and experience, and you are well on your way.

There are not many Colleges and Universities that have any staff members that can even attempt to keep up with the ever evolving changes in the social media world. Real life practicum comes hard into play in the new media world.

What is most challenging about what you do? The most challenging part of social media and networking is the educational part. Not necessarily the part where we learn, as content curation keeps us up to date on the moment and on any topic we could imagine; but the challenge is more of educating people and businesses about the media transition that happened over the past few years.

Some business owners still think they are getting a great deal for that TV commercial, Radio ad and even Print ad; but us in the new media world know those conduits have lost much of their value and they are simply gasping for breath. Education and awareness is the most challenging part of our business. What is most rewarding? Seeing a business get their strong, consistent presence online, helping them learn how to manage or co-manage it, and then seeing the success that comes offline from the hard, strategic work we have done for them online.

Helping people and businesses is a big priority for our company. If it does not work for their company, we would not do it. What advice would you offer someone considering this career? Educate yourself every moment, develop face to face skills with people that you can mirror online, practice and show success on your own brand before working on a clients brand, sincerely care for your customers and their customers as well, and make as many friends as possible!

People do better business with their sincere social friends. If you are my Facebook friend or Twitter follower, you are closer to me than a stranger. This is a nice starting point for a potentially great relationship whether business or personal. We can work mobile for the most part, so we can take our work anywhere. Vacations still have responsibility even if you have a team to cover you.

Again, I love people and what I do for a living!! What is a common misconception people have about what you do? That social media work is easy. A potential client told me that their teenage daughter was going to do what I offered to do. I laughed, walked away, and never looked back. Social media for business is not a pastime. Yes, your son in College knows how to make a Twitter account, but so does my 6 year old. Will either of these work great for your business? Our team does not play mobile games, so if you see us on our smartphones, we are working, tweeting, fbing etc.

To be a part of taking the media world to the next level. Our team wants a moment. We want to make communications and connections easier for the whole world, maybe leading humanity to a higher level of education, understanding, peace and prosperity.

This niche career is so much bigger than any one of us. Open up to others. Build a supportive and constructive team in your local community, statewide, nationwide, and worldwide. Invent or re-invent yourself with better, improved people skills; make connections, and build friendships. Make yourself and your media social!