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Travel as a job local 1804 1 jobs

Travel as a job

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There are lots of resources for finding potential gigs. Surf Travel Jobs is an excellent starting point. Small Pack Problems? If you have been working for a while, you may have some savings. Rather than blowing it all on a couple of fast-paced years of travel, invest it into buying a property at home and renting it out whilst you travel thus living off the rent money.

You can advertise your place on lots of different websites including Airbnb or one of the many excellent sites like Airbnb , and it can very easily turn into big bucks! Housesitting For travellers who like their travel to include furbabies. Sort of a work-exchange-meets-job, housesitting while travelling is HAWT right now. Typically you pet-sit for an extended amount of time, and in return, you are given free rein over an entire house.

This is one of the best ways to travel! As far as travel work goes, this one comes highly recommended — it barely counts as working! A free house! Then his may be the dream job for you. Au-pairing is one of the oldest travel careers around and is still a great option to save some money and see the world. Being an au-pair is a pretty solid way to get paid to travel and live in a new country. Hostel Work You just gotta have a winning smile! Not like him.

He looks like a creeper. Hostel work is one of the best-kept not-so-secret-secrets of the budget backpacking trade. Once upon a time, it was hush-hush, but now not so much. So let me tell you — finding hostel gigs is SUPER simple and hostel work is one of the best travel jobs for backpackers. Hostel work is one of the easiest travel jobs to get — just ask the hostels you are staying at if they are looking for any help. They will know exactly what this means. Hostels are one of the staples for travel work and are a phenomenal way to save money while travelling — not to mention free entry into the hostel life shenanigans is a pretty sweet dealer for a lone ranger looking for some buds.

an advertisement for a job

Usually just a free stay. Similar to hostel work, bar jobs have kept the backpacker going since basically the dawn of time. Often the bar work will be in a hostel bar mentioned above but just as legit is finding work at standalone bars. Alcoholics are everywhere and they need a charming face with a winning smile to pour their drinks dammit! The best way to find a bar job is just to walk around and ask if the bars are looking for any help. A simple inquisition can lead to a lot of opportunities.

And hungover. Please leave this field empty. A good option to break into this field is Stoke Travel. Three square meals per day and unlimited booze. For the right individual, this job promises to be helluva of a lot of fun. Possibly, too much fun…? Seasonal Jobs Look for seasonal jobs that fit your skills.

This is a large category that encompasses many different travel jobs. Restaurants, construction, hotels, cruise ships, ski resorts, mining, deep-sea Alaskan fishing gigs, the list goes on! While a lot of these jobs are covered elsewhere in this post, seasonal jobs are worth noting. You can literally travel the world working, chasing the season which by the way usually equates to amazingly beautiful weather and making money when jobs are in demand and at their highest paying… Depending on the industry, you can end up both in some pretty off the beaten path destinations as well as touristed ones.

Or both! The ski resorts in the summer trekking season is usually a much more peaceful vibe once all the loquacious Aussies have packed up shop. Construction Construction is a trade you can take anywhere. You can find construction work basically anywhere in the world, however, the right destinations eg. Australia and New Zealand pay a mean wage. Otherwise, asking around for something more informal is usually the way to go.

If you have construction experience, jump on those work exchange platforms for some cheap volunteering gigs. Many hostels, farms, and everything in between will advertise their needs in hopes of finding a qualified working traveller. If you have experience as a plumber or electrician, you can make bank and even land a job where you are paid to travel to and from different world projects.

Also, insider tip: traffic controllers Down Under get paid an ungodly amount for literally doing nothing. They usually pick the cutest girl to man the stop sign though — yay, sexism! Transport a Car or RV Free transportation! Car and RV dealerships or car rental companies sometimes hire people to drive cars to a different destination. Rental companies often find themselves with too many cars in one destination and want to move them to an area where rentals are more in demand.

Car dealerships may need a specific car, with specific options or colours, that they arrange to get from another dealer. While most companies work with full-time professional drivers, there may be some opportunities for one-time trips. Some transport companies that you may be able to score some delivery gigs with include: Imoova is one of the biggest search platofrms for relocations.

Jucy has some nice opportunities on RVs. A free road trip! Professional Chef Learn how to cook new cuisines! If you have some cooking abilities or some legitimate kitchen experience, you can find a job by asking around at kitchens in hotels, cruise ships, boats, or retreats.

Also, take a look into Worldpackers and Workaway as you can certainly find some cook-work opportunities for a free place to stay. Chefs are primadonnas. Get in and out of the hospo industry as quick as possible, amigos. Stop right now and listen to me. However, it can take time to build a sustainable income from blogging.

Dropshipper Dropshipping might just be the best job to travel the world. You manage your store and promote products to your target market. Then, your supplier will ship the products to customers on your behalf. To get started, read, How to Start a Dropshipping Business in This job makes it easy to travel while working.

Digital Marketer Countless businesses need help with digital marketing. Programmer If you know how to code — or you would love to learn — you could travel the world while working as a computer programmer. There are plenty of websites out there that teach programming, such as Free Code Camp , Code. Virtual Assistant Many businesses and individuals hire virtual assistants to help them with administrative tasks, like scheduling and responding to customer inquiries. Customer Service Agent Are you great with people?

Do you have plenty of patience and a genuine desire to help? Tons of businesses hire remote customer service agents. Jobs That Pay to Travel Do you want to travel for a living? Here are some jobs with travel opportunities. This type of travel job provides plenty of work opportunities. For example, you can work as a waiter, bartender, cleaner, lifeguard, or musician. Flight Attendant Working as a flight attendant provides plenty of travel opportunities, with airline and hotel discounts to boot!

However, the hours can be long, and jet lag is a common occurrence. You can find flight attendant opportunities on Indeed and Flight Attendant Career. Photographer Photography could be your round-the-world ticket. Make sure to specialize in a niche geared for travel, such as destination weddings or travel photography. To learn more, check out this guide on How to Start a Photography Business.

Expat Jobs If you want to immerse yourself in a different culture, consider living abroad long-term with these travel jobs. Scuba Diving Instructor Do you love scuba diving? If you get qualified, you could teach scuba diving all over the world, from India to Iceland.

Au Pair Are you great with children? If so, why not become an au pair? Many families hire live-in babysitters from foreign countries because they want their children to grow up speaking a foreign language. These jobs are usually only open to people who have relevant degrees and experience. Here are some links to find out more for citizens of the United States , the United Kingdom , and Canada.

Hostel Worker Hostels often hire travelers for temporary positions in exchange for free food, accommodation, and sometimes a small wage. You could become a receptionist or housekeeper to make your travel dreams a reality. Search for positions on sites like Hostel Jobs and Helpstay.

Bartender Most countries have bars, clubs, and restaurants — and the work is pretty much the same wherever you are in the world. Still, it helps to speak the local language.

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Information Looking for the best travel jobs? While house sitting may not pay all of your travel bills, it can take a huge bite out of accommodation costs. Trusted Housesitters is a great place to start. Check Trusted H ousesitters job listings here.

Yacht Crew You should know the basics of sailing for this gig, although some jobs only require a keen willingness to learn and a great attitude. Check out Find a Crew or Crew Seekers online or ask directly at a local yacht club. We volunteered as yacht crew for evening cruises at the yacht club in Brisbane and found the club and captains to be friendly and open to our help.

Charles as king of the yacht! Freelance Travel Writing Traditional freelance travel writing is a tough gig. Even irritatingly talented writers struggle as travel writers. One of the best places to start looking for freelance writing jobs, and that includes freelance travel writing, is FlexJobs.

FlexJobs screens employers for you. Check out Virtual Vocations job listings here for freelance writing and plenty of other online jobs. Looking for help with your resume or CV? Check out a CareersBooster review. Cruise Ship Work Cruise ships hire all sorts of folks, from entertainers to waiters to cooks. This type of gig is best for those without kids or a spouse. It may also not be great long term for a digital nomad who needs reliable internet access, since WiFi at sea can be spotty.

Earl from Wandering Earl has used cruise ship work to fund a large part of his 12 years on the road, and wrote a book called How to Get a Job on a Cruise Ship. Conservation Volunteers provides basic accommodation, but not meals, in exchange for help on conservation projects. Be careful with this strategy, as many voluntourism placements charge you a significant amount of money to volunteer.

This helpful article from Wisebread will point you in the right direction. No previous farming experience is required. Flight Attendant This is one of those jobs that require travel as part of the career. That said, you can still score some great flights while being paid.

Airline employees often get substantial discounts on airfare for themselves and their family. Some airlines even allow you to pass on discounts to specified friends. Pilot While this is out of the reach of most of us, those with flight experience can score great flights. Technical writers write everything from website text to software user manuals to detailed computer hardware specifications. Academic Editor or Writer Academic editors and writers are often in big demand.

English is a second language for plenty of students, so Academic editors and writers are often in big demand. English is a second language for plenty of students, so getting an editor to proofread academic papers is common. Editors can work on articles all the way from high school to PhD level, depending on their experience.

Writers are also in demand with paper writing and editing services, which offer work in fields as diverse as English, biology, and physics. Busking Busking can be great if you have a skill in some sort of performance art, from singing to drumming or juggling. Pick a busy area to maximize your tips, and be careful not to run afoul of local city ordinances for street performers.

Check out the video below of talented electric violinist Ed Alleyne-Johnson doing some busking work to get you motivated. Amazingly, all the music you hear is coming from his violin! Work for Your Accommodation Many hostels will let you stay for free in exchange for light work around the hostel.

While we were in Adelaide, Australia, we exchanged a couple of hours cleaning the hostel each day for a comfy double room with shared bath. You research hostels before you leave on sites like Hostelworld. The application process is stringent, and usually includes an interview. Tour Guide If you can herd groups of confused people, and enjoy talking about the sights, this job might be for you.

Tour Organizer If you can build trip itineraries, plan visas and stay arrangements, group tour organizing might be for you. Seasonal Fruit or Vegetable Picker The work is long and hard, but demand is often high for seasonal farm labor in Australia and many other countries in the world. Because the jobs depend on the harvest, timing can be a bit tricky.

Anywork Anywhere is a good place to start looking for jobs. Heavy lifting required Ethnomusicologist I have to admit to being a little skeptical when I first ran across this job. Ethnomusicologists are involved in the anthropology of music and study how music and culture relate. The Society for Ethnomusicology is a good place to start. Grant competition is fierce, and an academic background is highly recommended.

Day Trader Day traders buy and sell stocks and other financial securities online, usually within the space of a day. The large majority of day traders actually lose money. There are probably hundreds of styles of massage, ranging from deep tissue to Thai. Skiing Instructor In most parts of the world, ski instructors must take courses and become accredited. Freelance Photographer With the advent of digital cameras and the Internet, freelance photography has gotten a lot more competitive.

That said, if you have great photography skills and a keen business sense, you may be able to sell some of your travel photos. Travel Agent Years ago, being a travel agent was one of the dream jobs for would-be travelers, who dreamed of perks and discounted fares. Today, travel agents are a rarer breed, as commissions have been cut and the internet has allowed consumers to book more of their own trips.

You can work as a home based travel agent through a web-based travel agency. Wherever it is, jobs that allow you to travel can take you there. But which travel jobs are best for you? Start selling online now with Shopify Start your free trial 4 Types of Traveling Jobs There are many different ways to travel while working. Each of them offers different travel lifestyles. Digital Nomad Jobs Digital Nomads are people who travel while working online.

As a result, digital nomad jobs provide an enormous amount of flexibility and independence when traveling. Examples of digital nomad jobs include freelance developers, graphic designers, and dropshippers. With this type of travel job, all you need is a reliable internet connection and a laptop.

You can travel to the best digital nomad cities and work from coffee shops, hotels, or coworking spaces. Jobs That Pay to Travel This type encompasses traditional travel jobs, typically in the hospitality and tourism industries. Examples of jobs that pay to travel include cruise ship workers, flight attendants, and tour guides. These jobs often dictate when and where you get to travel, and how long for.

However, these jobs may be easier to get if you already have experience working in hospitality. Examples of expat travel jobs include English teachers, au pairs, or government workers. Expats might live in another country for just a few months or years at a time.

Backpacker Jobs Let me give it to you straight: Backpacker jobs are probably the least glamorous and least well-paid travel jobs out there. Examples include bartenders, hostel workers, and surfing instructors. Still, this type of travel job has a lot of benefits.

They also provide plenty of flexibility so you can travel at your own pace. Plus, finding local work while traveling is one of the best ways to meet interesting people and experience different cultures. Here are 25 of the best jobs for people who like to travel. To start, learn how to create a website. Graphic Designer Do you love graphic design?

Why not turn your passion into a job that allows you to travel? You can find graphic design traveling jobs on sites like Freelancer and Dribbble. Blogger Many travelers make money with blogging. However, it can take time to build a sustainable income from blogging. Dropshipper Dropshipping might just be the best job to travel the world. You manage your store and promote products to your target market.

Then, your supplier will ship the products to customers on your behalf. To get started, read, How to Start a Dropshipping Business in This job makes it easy to travel while working. Digital Marketer Countless businesses need help with digital marketing.

Programmer If you know how to code — or you would love to learn — you could travel the world while working as a computer programmer. There are plenty of websites out there that teach programming, such as Free Code Camp , Code. Virtual Assistant Many businesses and individuals hire virtual assistants to help them with administrative tasks, like scheduling and responding to customer inquiries.

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You would be surprised at how many employers are open to their employees working remotely. We no longer live in a job market where everyone has to be in an office from 9 to 5. More and more work is doable from a home office or laptop, thus freeing you to travel the world. Realizing there were SO many travel job opportunities, I dove right in, and I have worked abroad as an English teacher, waiter, bartender, retail worker, and even as an extra in a movie!

No need to spin your wheels trying to figure everything out for yourself which takes years btw , I got you! Live abroad like a pro from the start! This is how you can make money traveling AND have fun doing it. It helps to show up at the right time, which is usually before the tourist season starts. As a bartender, you can easily rake in enough cash to save and travel more. You can also use Facebook groups for specific locations to find jobs.

Kitchen Staff You could also apply to work in the kitchen, especially if you have cooking experience. The same goes here: visit a restaurant near your hostel or Airbnb and chat up the waitstaff. Ask to speak with the manager, familiarize yourself with the menu, and impress them with your knowledge of food prep, flipping burgers, or hotcakes.

Then, BAM. You could be in! The work is easy, you usually get decent pay, and it takes no experience. You could be ringing up customers before the dust settles on your backpack. Yoga continues to grow in popularity around the world, and yoga instructors are in high demand. While not the highest paying job for travellers, finding work as a yoga instructor is one of the more assured ways to work and travel. Travellers love yoga and are keen on lessons just about anywhere in the world.

Talk to other guests at your hostel, or people around any beach, hippy, or traveller town and see what you can rustle up. Start off with a sesh at a world-class yoga retreat to learn a few Asanas and limber up first and the rest will be easy. Alternatively, head over to Yoga Travel Jobs Directory and see if there are any worthwhile postings. The beauty of this one is that the informality allows you to find work on the road in most places without the added red tape.

How Much Can You Earn? Fitness opportunities can be found worldwide. See if your hostel wants to organise any activities or events which you can market by word of mouth or by putting a flyer up. Head to a park or the beach and BOOM! Certifications are for losers without glorious, rippling muscles. Tour Director Up we go! Directors accompany a tour group for the entirety of the itinerary and basically makes sure people are having a good time.

This is one of the travel jobs that requires the most work, but if you think you possess the qualities, there are thousands of amazing adventure tour companies looking for new leaders worldwide. PLUS, you save money and the environment! Be a part of the solution and travel with a filter water bottle. Travel Tour Guide Take people on guided walking tours around cities and improve your public speaking skills!

As opposed to a tour director, a tour guide usually does shorter tours think three-hour walking tours. Ideally, tour guides are experts in their niche, but sometimes just a bit more knowledge than the average Joe will suffice If you have experience or certification, getting tour guide work will be easy. If you travelling in the EU , you can also find tour guide work within Europe relatively easy free walking tours, etc.

Otherwise, there are lots of people on the web tapping into their entrepreneurial spirit and starting their own tour jobs while on the road. Want to significantly increase your chances of getting hired on a superyacht or boat? Consider taking a course at the Super Yacht School — an online training company that educates people on everything they need to know regarding how to land a job on a superyacht as a crew member.

Alternatively, get a job on a cruise ship and live the party-working-travelling-life on the high seas. Drugs, booze, and nights of wanton hedonism — excellent! Boat Delivery Sail the seven seas! More boats! This one is a bit difficult to get into as a newbie, but if you have some experience working on the high seas, boat delivery has some serious work and travel potential.

Head over to Crewseekers. Making and Selling Jewellery Be one of those white people selling overpriced jewellery on the beaches in India! Screw travel jobs — be a travel entrepreneur! Sourcing ethical materials, making the jewellery, and haggling for a fair price can all be a real battle.

When in exotic countries, you will find awesome trinkets and doodads that people back home will go crazy over! Think hippy stuff: chillums, trousers, jewellery, festival belts, etc. These items will be authentic and dirt cheap. Then read our comprehensive review for the inside scoop!

Busking The Dynamic Duo. If you have a talent, you can flaunt it for some cash in the street AND — better yet — make a bunch of people smile too! Believe it or not. Also, if you are a musician, you should look into giving lessons for work while travelling or even playing some low-key gigs at bars or hostels. Get paid for adventure. Underwater adventures no less! Becoming a certified scuba diver and instructor takes a bit of investment, but it can be one of the most fun ways to work and travel the world simultaneously.

You need a handful of courses and certifications, as well as having logged in a certain amount of hours underwater yourself, and then the world is your… oyster. If you are already certified, get excited! Hands down this is one of the best ways to get paid to travel PLUS you can pick up paying work in lots of different countries around the world.

Surf Instructor Something like this. Similar to a scuba instructor but without all of the need for certifications. You just need to be a badass surfer! Surfing instructors can do well for themselves by travelling, surfing, meeting people who are interested and want to learn, and then offering their services. A lot. If you are looking for cool jobs you can do while travelling, this may be for you.

There are lots of resources for finding potential gigs. Surf Travel Jobs is an excellent starting point. Small Pack Problems? If you have been working for a while, you may have some savings. Rather than blowing it all on a couple of fast-paced years of travel, invest it into buying a property at home and renting it out whilst you travel thus living off the rent money.

You can advertise your place on lots of different websites including Airbnb or one of the many excellent sites like Airbnb , and it can very easily turn into big bucks! Housesitting For travellers who like their travel to include furbabies.

Sort of a work-exchange-meets-job, housesitting while travelling is HAWT right now. Typically you pet-sit for an extended amount of time, and in return, you are given free rein over an entire house. This is one of the best ways to travel! As far as travel work goes, this one comes highly recommended — it barely counts as working! A free house!

Then his may be the dream job for you.

Job a travel as jobs for travellers

15 HIGH PAYING Jobs That Allow You To TRAVEL The WORLD

The best travel jobs allow you to earn income exploring the world. Here are examples of people living the dream - making money traveling. 25 Great Jobs for People Who Love to Travel · 1. Athletic recruiter · 2. Au pair · 3. Construction manager · 4. Consultant · 5. Cruise line worker · 6. Engineer · 7. Want to GET PAID TO TRAVEL? Here are the 35 best travel jobs and careers to kickstart your new life as a working traveller.