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Jobs with travelling

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Jobs with travelling A foolproof plan. For example, you can work as a waiter, bartender, cleaner, lifeguard, or musician. Courier List, once one of the jobs names in the business, suspended subscriptions because of travelling opportunities. Virtual Assistant Many businesses and individuals hire virtual assistants to help them with administrative tasks, like scheduling and responding to customer inquiries. Some may suit one group of people while others will work better for others. You can find job postings on websites such as Soliantwhich work to connect prospective employees with new opportunities. Careers with the Foreign Office and British Council — the Foreign Office promotes and protects British interests around the world, while the British Council develops relationships with other countries through culture and education.
Chick fil a jobs Before applying for jobs, consider becoming a certified instructor with the Jobs with travelling Surfing Association. I love it for the opportunities it gives me to travel, and also for the large blocks of time off. If so, consider yourself a mobile money-making machine. Blogging can unlock ultimate freedom, but it comes at a high price. Freelance anything But why stop there at travel writing, photography and videography… you can pretty much freelance anything and travel as a result! It was an entry-level job that required 40 hours of work per week.

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As far as travel work goes, this one comes highly recommended — it barely counts as working! A free house! Then his may be the dream job for you. Au-pairing is one of the oldest travel careers around and is still a great option to save some money and see the world. Being an au-pair is a pretty solid way to get paid to travel and live in a new country. Hostel Work You just gotta have a winning smile! Not like him. He looks like a creeper. Hostel work is one of the best-kept not-so-secret-secrets of the budget backpacking trade.

Once upon a time, it was hush-hush, but now not so much. So let me tell you — finding hostel gigs is SUPER simple and hostel work is one of the best travel jobs for backpackers. Hostel work is one of the easiest travel jobs to get — just ask the hostels you are staying at if they are looking for any help. They will know exactly what this means. Hostels are one of the staples for travel work and are a phenomenal way to save money while travelling — not to mention free entry into the hostel life shenanigans is a pretty sweet dealer for a lone ranger looking for some buds.

Usually just a free stay. Similar to hostel work, bar jobs have kept the backpacker going since basically the dawn of time. Often the bar work will be in a hostel bar mentioned above but just as legit is finding work at standalone bars. Alcoholics are everywhere and they need a charming face with a winning smile to pour their drinks dammit! The best way to find a bar job is just to walk around and ask if the bars are looking for any help. A simple inquisition can lead to a lot of opportunities.

And hungover. Please leave this field empty. A good option to break into this field is Stoke Travel. Three square meals per day and unlimited booze. For the right individual, this job promises to be helluva of a lot of fun.

Possibly, too much fun…? Seasonal Jobs Look for seasonal jobs that fit your skills. This is a large category that encompasses many different travel jobs. Restaurants, construction, hotels, cruise ships, ski resorts, mining, deep-sea Alaskan fishing gigs, the list goes on!

While a lot of these jobs are covered elsewhere in this post, seasonal jobs are worth noting. You can literally travel the world working, chasing the season which by the way usually equates to amazingly beautiful weather and making money when jobs are in demand and at their highest paying… Depending on the industry, you can end up both in some pretty off the beaten path destinations as well as touristed ones.

Or both! The ski resorts in the summer trekking season is usually a much more peaceful vibe once all the loquacious Aussies have packed up shop. Construction Construction is a trade you can take anywhere. You can find construction work basically anywhere in the world, however, the right destinations eg. Australia and New Zealand pay a mean wage. Otherwise, asking around for something more informal is usually the way to go. If you have construction experience, jump on those work exchange platforms for some cheap volunteering gigs.

Many hostels, farms, and everything in between will advertise their needs in hopes of finding a qualified working traveller. If you have experience as a plumber or electrician, you can make bank and even land a job where you are paid to travel to and from different world projects. Also, insider tip: traffic controllers Down Under get paid an ungodly amount for literally doing nothing.

They usually pick the cutest girl to man the stop sign though — yay, sexism! Transport a Car or RV Free transportation! Car and RV dealerships or car rental companies sometimes hire people to drive cars to a different destination. Rental companies often find themselves with too many cars in one destination and want to move them to an area where rentals are more in demand.

Car dealerships may need a specific car, with specific options or colours, that they arrange to get from another dealer. While most companies work with full-time professional drivers, there may be some opportunities for one-time trips. Some transport companies that you may be able to score some delivery gigs with include: Imoova is one of the biggest search platofrms for relocations.

Jucy has some nice opportunities on RVs. A free road trip! Professional Chef Learn how to cook new cuisines! If you have some cooking abilities or some legitimate kitchen experience, you can find a job by asking around at kitchens in hotels, cruise ships, boats, or retreats.

Also, take a look into Worldpackers and Workaway as you can certainly find some cook-work opportunities for a free place to stay. Chefs are primadonnas. Get in and out of the hospo industry as quick as possible, amigos. Stop right now and listen to me. If you are a nurse, or if you are thinking about becoming a nurse, being a travelling nurse is one of the single most amazing careers you can get into. Travelling nurses are usually hired for thirteen to twenty-six weeks in whatever location they choose and all of your travel expenses are usually paid.

Housing is usually covered, and due to the high demand and urgency, travelling nurses are paid more than regular nurses. Plus, you know, saving lives and all that jazz. This is one of the best careers that involve travelling, and if you get hired by a quality airline, this is a job that not only requires travel but can also pay well. A new country, a new contract, a new piece of plastic — booooring.

Instead, buy an eSIM! Is your phone eSIM ready? Read about how e-Sims work or click below to see one of the top eSIM providers on the market and ditch the plastic. Depending on where you are from and if you are able, New Zealand and Australia are two excellent countries to get work visas for. To be able to monetize a blog, you need first to learn how to optimize your posts and make them rank on Google, so people notice and click to your site.

Next, you have to learn how to market, run social media campaigns, produce valuable content, talk to your readers, and more. If you have already started a blog, launching it anytime soon, or planning to launch in the nearest future, I highly recommend you watch this free training from one of my favorite travel bloggers and one of my teachers where he is showing exactly what to do to build a successful blog.

There is really a lot to learn and do. But if you learn from people who have already achieved what you want to achieve, you will be there soon too. If you are curious to follow along, subscribe to my newsletter to start receiving emails from me, including those about blogging. Best Travel Laptop? If you are planning to travel and work online, you need to have a great laptop — lightweight, powerful, and with a long-lasting battery!

Dell XPS is 1 choice among many digital nomads! Social Media Consultant Social Media Consultant job allows you to travel in that way that in many cases you work remotely. Especially in the nowadays world when more and more companies let their workers work from home. If you know how to engage with the customers using social media on behalf of a brand and make the audience follow you, think about the opportunity to become a social media consultant.

Yet, this job is not that easy as many people picture it. However, if you master it and enjoy the routine, you can work from anywhere in the world following your own schedule. With the constant growth of social media users and an increase in online shopping, social media consultants are going to be more and more in demand. And with this job, they can work full-time within the company or online as freelancers. If you are seriously thinking about how to become a successful social media consultant, take a look at this article.

How to Find a Social Media Consultant Job First of all, of course, you need to have a well-written resume with your latest experience in this field. If there is no gained experience yet, consider becoming an intern for a few months.

Digital Content Creator A digital content creator is a person who helps small and medium businesses to create and elaborate digital content with a goal to increase sales and get profit. Digital content creators produce articles, photos, videos, movies, and can work in any field.

I am a digital content creator who, first of all, works for herself and, second, has a few side projects. With my side projects, I produce content for travel magazines and other bloggers. While this job does not sponsor my travels, I am capable to work online from anywhere in the world.

I choose for myself when to travel and how much time to spend on the road. With that said, I still want to emphasize that not everyone can be a digital content creator. It sounds like an easy job when in reality it involves a lot of hours of work, research, and creative thinking. Some of the most famous websites for finding a job as a digital content creator are Fiverr.

Virtual Assistant I am strongly convinced that the job of a virtual assistant is a fantastic job that lets you travel, move around a lot, and helps you choose where to live. The person who is somewhat a universal specialist who helps an entrepreneur conduct business through the Internet. A virtual assistant answers emails, works on a schedule, does some social media work, creates presentations, organizes webinars, arranges mailing services, and does any other task that a person he works for needs.

Depending on previous experience, the assistant may specialize in one field or another. They meet and collaborate on the Internet anyways. Freelance Web Developer If you are reading this section, it means you are either a web developer or thinking to become one.

Those who are just considering an opportunity to enter this field need to decide at first which area they want to learn — front end, back end, WordPress, or other stacks. Once you decide, the next step is to devote days, weeks, and months to education and actually finding a hands-on experience. This job is very rewarding but like many other jobs, it is demanding and challenging.

The following post answers many questions and tells the truth about beginning freelance web development. If you make a decision that you want to become a freelance web developer, it is a good idea to start with an online course s. To help you get started, Mark, based on his experience, can recommend the following courses: The Web Developer Bootcamp — a course for beginners created by an excellent instructor from San Francisco Colt Steele.

Web Design For Everybody — the basics of website design and creation. Becoming a Web Developer — go from no-code to an in-demand junior web developer. The Complete Web Development Bootcamp — if you are thinking to take only one single course, this is the one to choose! It is based on theory and practice, has excellent content, and teaches how to build any website you want.

The instructor is using a simple language and thoroughly explains each part. Coding for Dummies Book — an excellent all-in-one book with a total of 9 books about web development and programming for people who are totally new to this field. With it, you will learn everything you need to be able to start working on coding projects of your own. Freelance Bookkeeper The company that needs accounting services can conduct it in three different ways — to hire a full-time accountant, outsource it, or hire a freelance bookkeeper to help with some basic stuff.

Online accounting is a cloud-based Internet service with a paid set of tools. With their help, you can generate initial documentation, send a report to the tax and extra-budgetary funds in electronic form. It can become an assistant to a simple business.

Bookkeeping is different from accounting. It does not require any special set of skills or any analysis. Some bookkeepers work with a high school diploma only. However, to make it easier for you to find a job, I recommend looking into obtaining a certification or licensing through one of the national organizations.

Every company needs some form of bookkeeping. It is a win-win situation for everyone. Learn more about how to become a bookkeeper at home. Software developer jobs are not really among jobs that require travelling, but they can bring you lots of opportunities to travel independently as much as you want. With this job you always have a choice to work in the office or go remote. If you go remote, decide for yourself where to be based and how often to travel.

A software developer job is by no means an easy task. It requires a lot of dedication, passion, and effort. Learning code is not for everyone. You would need to invest a lot of time in self-education and development before applying for jobs in this field and hoping to get a good paying salary. If you enjoy a lot of challenges and solving problems then maybe software development could be the next job that will enable you to see the world. See the following page for more tips and courses in this field.

Some may suit one group of people while others will work better for others. PowerToFly is a site that helps women to find a tech job. VIP Flight Attendant This is definitely one of those jobs that require a lot of travel and pay really good money for it. We all know about commercial flight attendant jobs but not so much about the corporate flight attendants. When you are working as a commercial flight attendant, you usually fly standby. But considering the fact that you are flying for a small fee helps you forget about some inconveniences.

There are so many perks you receive with a commercial flight attendant job, even though it is always demanding and often stressful. Ouch, hearing that hurts. Because in reality, working as a Nanny is very demanding, rewarding, and joyful at the same time. This job requires a patient, knowledgeable, and loving heart. It is one of the careers that require travel for sure. A professional nanny is a relatively new term and gaining popularity among both families and nannies. There are some distinct differences between this job and a Babysitter or a Nanny.

This job is not a joke and requires a lot of commitment, working hours as well as choosing this profession as your long-term career. On average it takes from three to six months to secure it through the agency. And only if you go through the screening. But if you do get a job, you can make sure your salary will be higher than the one of an average office worker.

Many families usually have homes in different parts of the country, or world, and need a Professional Nanny to travel with them. Additionally to competitive salary your benefits include health insurance, sometimes accommodation, meals, and transportation. And I had a chance to work for one of those families in Los Angeles. Where to Find a Job as a Professional Nanny Unlike au-pair jobs, professional nanny jobs can be found only through elite placement agencies.

To be able to apply you need to have an almost perfect resume, have a few certifications, experience, and in most cases education. If you are just starting out as a nanny, there is no point in spending your time on professional nanny applications. So for that situation, it would be much better to start looking for a regular nanny position. Keep in mind that competition is very high and only the best of the best applicants get a job.

In regards to agencies, there are a lot of them in America and Europe. For the most part, they have offices in different parts of the world, so you can apply with the closest to your location branch. Traveling Nurse If both of us were not fainting at the sight of blood, we would definitely go back to school to get our nursing degree.

Nurses make really good money and have a lot of room for growth. The demand for nurses is extremely high and going to increase in the future. What is particularly great about this job is the length of contracts. Some of them are as long as 13 weeks. After the contract is over you are free to take a break or sign a new contract to move to another place. Also, traveling nurses are given a choice where to live, work, and how long to stay in one area.

Travel nursing is not only a rewarding career that can help you travel around and move abroad. It will fill your life with constant adventure. Also, it is a very diverse and flexible opportunity. This post on how to become a travel nurse answers all important questions points you in the right direction. Event Planners Event-Planner is a specialist who organizes business and entertainment events for companies and individuals.

This person works closely with a client to decide where an event will take place and where to hold it. He or she is responsible for thorough planning and organization. Recently, on my trip to Vilnius , I met a girl, who was organizing our trip, who was an event manager.

She shared how she was traveling around Europe and arranging events for her company at least once a month. Her company was participating in various trade shows and travel conferences, so her task was to organize everything. If you are looking for entry-level jobs that require travel and if you have at least some relevant experience, then look for jobs in event agencies, especially those that are related to travel in one way or another.

Some of the examples are companies that participate in large business forums, event agencies that organize a wedding in an exotic place or a master class in a foreign land, etc. Despite the popularity of the profession, there is no such major as event management or event planning in any university.

The event industry employs people with the most diverse backgrounds, but more often those who are psychologists, journalists, and philologists. This profession also intersects with marketing, PR, and sales. Therefore, if you have a marketing or management degree and at least some experience, your chances of getting this job are high. This software was developed by a German company and helps many companies around the world to manage business operations and customer relations.

In many cases, he or she is an expert, project manager, and programmer at the same time. Technical stands for software development and programming. Functional is all about the knowledge of tariffs, commissions, revenue shares, interfaces, and more. It is really impossible to describe this job in a few paragraphs only. You can read more about it here.

This job is amazing for those who want to live a travel lifestyle. First of all, even if you go to the actual office, you often have to be with a customer who can be located in another city or often country. And third, since many companies hire for a few months or a year, you are free to apply in different countries.

I have two friends who work as SAP Consultants. One friend is working remotely and occasionally travels to meet with her customers. And this friend is saying that working as an SAP consultant is one of the best IT jobs that requires travel, literally.

I have the impression that he signs a new contract every year because they are always on the move. With this job, both of them have already lived in Brazil, Sri Lanka, in a few states in the United States and recently they moved to Germany. This job is also challenging and requires certification. But it pays very well and helps you live a life of travel. One of my friends, who does it, has never even been to college. She has taken a few courses and dedicated a lot of time to self-education.

As with any other profession, there is no easy job and free money. You have to work and study hard. But if others can do it, you can too. Luxury Travel Advisor A luxury travel advisor is not the job of a travel agent that you may think of. Travel agents usually book tickets, hotels, or transfers. They sell cruises and all-inclusive resort getaways. These people also make lots of reservations and travel arrangements, yet they work on a totally different level.

They usually have access to world-class events, private islands, resorts, and hotels, and work with only a special caliber of a traveler. Not like us, kind of budget travelers who are trying to get the most out of a dollar.

Luxury travel advisors offer luxury, organize everything in the blink of an eye, and always deliver the highest service. Those kinds of experiences. At some point in my life, I was aiming at this job at Virtuoso — a network of the best luxury travel agencies. At the same time, full health insurance was provided along with all the perks and discounts on travel, and lots of room for growth. A luxury travel advisor job is very demanding.

It is not all glitter but this traveling career provides an opportunity to travel the world and be able to make six figures within a few years after lots of hard work, of course. Here is more information on this job, if you are curious.

Geologists Among all the jobs for travelers, the job of a geologist is probably the least known one. There are a few different specializations in geology. Some geologists work for oil and gas exploration companies, others for civil engendering firms, or government agencies.

Petroleum and engineering geologists most of the time travel to various distinct areas with a goal to locate gas and oil deposits. In addition to conducting laboratory analyses, developing documentation and recommendations, such specialists from time to time go to faraway regions. They search for mineral deposits, assess the possibility of building various structures in new territories, from factories and power plants to the metro.

On the one hand, the profession of a geologist makes it possible to visit both the remote corners of the Taiga and lesser-visited hot African countries. On the other hand, you need to be prepared to live in various often challenging conditions, so for working in the field, in addition to the necessary knowledge, you will need good physical preparation and endurance. English or Any Other Subject Teacher Working as an English Teacher in one of the schools in Saigon, Vietnam Nowadays everyone is writing about English Teaching jobs as a perfect opportunity to see the world and make pretty good money.

And this opportunity is awesome indeed. But what about other teaching jobs? I have been tutoring kids in math, science, and social studies as well as the Russian language. My friend, who is from Hungary, moved to Sweden because she was offered a job as a piano instructor. My other friend is teaching Spanish in South America. The list goes on and on. Mark and I have been also teaching English while living in Vietnam and were offered a job in Thailand and China.

Salary, accommodation, and working conditions were so appealing that we almost signed the contract. The reason why we changed our minds was that we wanted to concentrate on remote work and invest time in our blog. But chances are still high enough that we may reconsider this option in the nearest future.

What interests us more though is online teaching. No obligations to be at a specific place or country. We can be teaching outside of the classroom while exploring the world on our own terms. So can you. Nowadays, you can be teaching so many other things and subjects. Choose what you know well, what you love teaching, and pursue your dream. If you need more advice on teaching English around the world, read tips from Kate and Kris.

These guys have been teaching for many years and accumulated a lot of knowledge. Also, many other bloggers write about their English teaching experiences. Where to Find a Job as an English Teacher? Before you even start looking for a job, the first thing to do is to get certified. There are many different online teaching courses where you can study and get a needed certificate. I personally completed a course with i-to-i company.

Later, when my legal name changed, they had no problem sending me a new certificate for a very symbolic payment. But there are many more agencies out there that connect teachers with schools and students. Auditor At first glance, the work of an auditor has nothing to do with travel. It seems that auditors never travel abroad but only work long hours in their offices. It is partially true. As an auditor, you work crazy long hours that sometimes it feels you live where you work.

Nonetheless, many times working as an auditor grows into a career that allows you to travel. Auditors often leave for inspections to different cities and even countries. Often they spend weeks and months in one place. I have been working for Deloitte and one Private Equity in Ukraine and remember how many times my colleagues were away. They were gone to work on projects in many countries in Europe and in Central Asia. Working as an auditor provides many travel opportunities but also a lot of challenges.

Of course, it is not always possible to see exotic places. Working as an auditor is a very, very intense job. It requires a diploma and at least a few years of experience in a smaller company. You should check these fundamentals of audit to get an understanding if a career in auditing is right for you.

Two years ago when we were in Alaska we took a tour to Denali National Park. Our bus driver was a something lady from Texas, whose job as a bus driver was seasonal and lasted less than 6 months. She shared details of working this job during the summer months and then heading to Colorado to work as a ski instructor during the winter.

This young lady loved both of the states and kept coming to each of them every year. Besides the opportunity to enjoy her favorite places she was earning a salary and living the dream. There are many stories like this one. Our friends have traveled through Europe while working on farms, picking up berries, and being lifeguards at the pool.

Some of our neighbors were diving instructors and camp leaders in Central America. We personally have been offered seasonal jobs in hotels across the U. Opportunities are endless and the sky is the limit. If you are looking for any possible way to move abroad or travel in slow mode while earning money, take a look at seasonal jobs. However, you can definitely have all your travel expenses covered and even save some money for the future.

It really depends on the job and how much time you are willing to work. To give you an example, there was a time when I secured one seasonal job in a resort in Utah. It was an entry-level job that required 40 hours of work per week. Not bad for someone in transition or traveler like me. We are not implying that this is the amount of money you are going to get for your next seasonal job.

You may get more, or you may get less.

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Many jobs also provide plenty of vacation time to travel on your own. There are different types of positions and careers available like tour. Environmental Science and Protection Technician. · Interpreter and Translator. · Flight Attendant. · Political Scientist. · Solar Photovoltaic Installer. · Pilot. 25 Great Jobs for People Who Love to Travel · 1. Athletic recruiter · 2. Au pair · 3. Construction manager · 4. Consultant · 5. Cruise line worker · 6. Engineer · 7.