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Local area job listings

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Start close to home, and look for resources in your city or town, such as the following: Chamber of Commerce website: Look at the Chamber of Commerce website in your area. If you're willing to commute, you may want to look on several sites. Employers that are members of the Chamber of Commerce can post job opportunities for free, and these local job listings are often posted on the website before being advertised elsewhere. The U. Chamber of Commerce has a directory you can use to find your local chamber.

Craigslist: Craigslist is another excellent source for finding local job listings. Social media sites: Check your local Nextdoor. Joining local Facebook groups may also give you access to local job listings. Plus, you can always introduce yourself to the group and mention the type of role you're looking for—you never know who will see your post, and potentially be able to connect you with a suitable hiring company.

Libraries, colleges, and more: Local libraries typically won't post jobs except for opportunities at those establishments , but some library websites may have rich resources for job searchers. Local colleges and universities may also offer useful resources that can be accessed by anyone not just alumni. For example, Cornell University lists several resources for local job hunters. Department of Labor: Search "department of labor" and your state's name to find this governmental website, which may offer state-level job boards as well as other helpful resources for job seekers.

Search Google One of the easiest ways to find local job listings is to search Google. To find local jobs, enter the type of job you are interested in as a keyword, followed by your city, state, and ZIP code. Advanced search options will enable you to refine your local job search even further, and search by company, words in the job title, and the radius from a city or ZIP code. Check the Classifieds The next step in conducting a local job search is to check your local newspaper's classified ads on a daily basis.

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Yes, companies still do post jobs in the Help Wanted ads. Many newspapers are affiliated with CareerBuilder —but not all of them. Some small- to mid-sized employers only advertise locally. Most local newspapers are available online. Follow Local News Keep up to date with the latest business news in the community you're interested in. The American City Business Journals site contains information on businesses in a variety of cities. ZipRecruiter for Employers: Post a Job Online Now Indeed Indeed is one of the largest job sites in the world, which means a bigger audience, but you can choose to use the platform wisely.

The platform allows for free job postings, although with so many listings, the posts are often replaced and can lose visibility fast. But the employer dashboard does include some good candidate and job management tools. Indeed not only allows you to set the basic location for the position, but set requirements to help you prescreen the applications. You can also add some application questions and specify where someone is based out of , as well as other steps like skills tests.

Indeed for Employers: Post a Job Online Now SimplyHired If you want a more hands-on experience in picking and choosing the best candidates in your area, than SimplyHired is your best bet. A publishing partner of Indeed, they often will include the same listings on both platforms, but SimplyHired has some great features, such as applicant management and job description tools.

This includes resources to craft effective job descriptions out of the bat, like setting screener questions to auto-qualify applicants. You can use this step to emphasize location and see if your candidate would be a good in-person team player. SimplyHired for Employers: Post a Job Online Now Glassdoor Glassdoor not only gives you the key to hiring locally, but they have the analytical tools to determine who your target market is, candidate demographics, and how potential candidates are engaging with your job listings.

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Trade associations and organisations such as the Chambers of Commerce and business clubs are very much geared towards information sharing, so take advantage of any that might enable you to meet people in the right field of work. How do I locate job openings in my area through local employers If you hear about local employers who might be recruiting, take a look at their websites, if they have one.

Many will list vacancies on their own recruitment pages. You can go on to contact them at this stage. Alternatively, if they do not have a website, you can contact them straightaway. After introducing yourself to the Human Resources Department, say that you are looking at employment possibilities in their field and are interested in any PR literature, such as newsletters, that they can send you.

They may even be able to arrange a visit. Whenever you have this kind of contact with employers, remember that you are creating an impression that, if positive, may help you in your job hunt. Always present yourself well and be interested, friendly and courteous.

Jobs available in my area through job clubs Local job clubs are another useful way to learn about vacancies in your local area. You can set up your own with like-minded friends, or join an existing club with people who share a common situation, such as mothers returning to work.

Your careers office or job centre may have details. In a job club, you'll give and receive mutual support and encouragement as you all look for work together, as well as share information. It is also a good way to receive feedback on your CV or cover letter writing. Finding jobs in my local area by making speculative applications If all your research work has paid off and you are sure which employers you'd be interested in working with, you can be proactive and send in a speculative application.

To do this, you will need to have contact details for the right person you need to approach in your local area. You will then need to send in your CV, reviewed, updated and targeted towards the organisation and job in question, along with a strong cover letter explaining why your experience and skills are highly useful to that employer, should there be suitable jobs available in your local area. Making your location work for you Employers advertising nationally may not be concerned where an applicant lives, as they assume the successful candidate will relocate for the job.

However, if you are currently available for work or only need to work a short notice, you can turn your proximity to the employer to your advantage. In your cover letter, you can state that if successful, you would be able to take up the position in a fortnight or however soon you can.

For situations where the employer is not waiting for the previous post holder to work a long notice period, such flexibility can work in favour of your application. How do I ensure I find all the jobs available in my area? By sticking to your strategy, you will be able to find the jobs that are available in your area. You need to be persistent and determined, because you can't always expect to get results straightaway, so stick with your job search and it will yield results in the end. Taking a systematic approach to your job hunting enables you to maximise your chances of finding the right job in your local area, without compromising your career goals.

How to Win Jobs Available in my Area Firstly, you need to find and identify all the sources of local jobs available in your area, as outlined above. Secondly, you need to make sure that your CV is as good as it can be. Many supermarkets and pharmacies also have notice boards with local, casual opportunities, so it's worth a browse when you're picking up some groceries. Make sure you attend local job fairs opens in new tab , too. These are fantastic if you want to find a job with a nearby company — attend fairs and you'll be able to make great connections at loads of local businesses.

Similarly, attend open house sessions at nearby companies to form similarly good connections, and consider joining your university or college alumni association too — these are often good sources for local vacancies. Use local resources online, too All of the sources we've just mentioned are based in the real world, and largely away from the internet.

And while those are excellent options for finding local job vacancies, any exhaustive local job search should also include the top online methods, too. We'd always recommend you head to Facebook opens in new tab. The site's sheer size means that virtually every company will have a presence there, and savvy local businesses will list their open positions on their social media pages.

The best businesses in your area will also post their vacancies on their Instagram and Twitter pages. It's worth doing your research to find out which local companies you would be interested in joining and then following their social media profiles to ensure that you don't miss out — and if you're really keen, consider setting up alerts that appear whenever they post.

Most areas have several local interest groups on Facebook, so it's worth joining any local pages that are relevant — companies and staff members often post open positions there. Sadly, though, the service has closed in other countries.

Lots of local areas have their own Craigslist opens in new tab pages, and they are also popular venues for job listings — especially in retail, manufacturing, or casual positions. Sites like LinkedIn opens in new tab , Monster opens in new tab , and ZipRecruiter opens in new tab are among the world's biggest job sites, and so they should form the backbone of any comprehensive job search — after all, the majority of vacancies will be posted on those pages.

Happily, the sheer size of the biggest job boards doesn't mean that they lack a local focus. No matter what sort of position you want to find, you'll be able to search for a job based on its location. On most sites, you'll be able to apply several filters to search results, so you can narrow them down based on a multitude of factors, like location, industry, salary and the experience or qualifications required.

The big job boards are certainly not the only option you should consider if you want to find a job in your local area — have a varied plan if you're going to find as many local opportunities as possible. But, equally, the size and filtering options available on pages like LinkedIn, Indeed opens in new tab , and FlexJobs opens in new tab mean they should never be ignored.

Do some social networking We don't mean heading to Facebook and Instagram here, either. Instead of using those modern social networking methods, consider talking to your friends and professional acquaintances. If they know the kind of job you'd like or if they work in the same industry as you, they may know about opportunities and vacancies that would be perfect for you. This kind of networking can also put you in touch with people who may not even be interested in hiring — until they see your resume and decide to make an exception.

Networking opens in new tab is one of the best ways to ensure professional success, and relying on local contacts and knowledge is vital to finding the best positions in your neighborhood. For all the websites, newspaper listings, and local Facebook groups out there, an old-fashioned conversation can often be the best way to find a local lead.

Visit company websites If you've been hunting for local jobs for a while, then you're probably going to have a decent picture of the job market in your industry — you'll know the companies that you should consider and which ones you'd like to avoid. Once you're in that position, it pays to make frequent visits to each company's website. They should all have careers pages that will provide you with all the information you need about each vacancy, but that's not all — the best corporate websites will also have information about the firm's culture, values, and people, and you should consider all of those attributes before you send an application.

And, critically, you can see exactly where the company is based, which will help you figure out if it's somewhere you want to work. A good company website may have information about the HR staff you could interact with if you apply, and often you'll have to visit company websites to submit your application.

Image credit: Pixabay Use agencies or government services An employment agency is often the best route to finding a new job, especially if you're new to the area or if you want to change industries. A recruitment agency will usually have specialist knowledge that a candidate just doesn't possess — a good agency should know about all of the best local companies and industries and should be able to tell you about employment and business trends in your region.

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