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How give blow jobs

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The highest level of nerve endings are laced around the outer ridge. Sensitivity is increased when the man is uncut. This is an area that responds well to longer periods of play without causing immediate eruption. For men who are super thick see post on guys with thick dicks , keep this in mind.

It is somewhat sensitive but not as much as the head or shaft. Still, a good place to focus on with the tongue. It is one of the most sensitive parts on a guy's body. Touch it the right way and it can send waves of pleasure.

Incorrectly touch him in this area and it can cause pain. The scrotum responds well to light touching, licking, sucking and caressing. Don't tug or pull down there unless he asks you to do it. Instead, consider it as a pathway to pleasure — for both of you! Yes, it's called a blowjob but when it's done right, the experience is fun!

Spend time touching it and stroking it for a bit before pumping for white gold. Plus, you want to spend time working him up a bit before sucking commences. The best thing you can do is use a small amount of water based lube on him. This position allows for even blood flow to all his extremities, including the testicles mentioned above.

Stroking him also helps to firm his erection. Just a minute to get him going. Make sure there is eye contact. This will send a message from his brain to his peen and help encourage buildup in his nutsack. This is particularly true if the guy has a beer bottle sized penis. You will adjust later on. Some people may not agree with this but think about it. To avoid this from happening, take him one inch at a time. Slowly take in air through your nostrils and exhale the same way.

Just cup your hand around it while you are sucking. This will allow you to stimulate the head of his penis and his shaft. Your man should have a pretty good idea of what he likes down there, so ask him to tell you what he would like you to try. Communication will be a very good tool for developing your skills in this area. Use your hands, mouth, tongue and other parts of your body.

A good blow job involves more than just moving it in and out of your mouth. Use your hands to tickle his balls, or hold the shaft or base. Slide your naked body up across his to tease him. Use your breasts to stimulate him. Get your creativity involved and you will come up with other ideas too. Your man finds this incredibly sexy. He likes to watch you giving him pleasure, and he especially likes to see you enjoying it! Let him see your face, and look him in the eye while going down on him.

Use your voice to give a good blow job, as well. You can moan to let him know you are enjoying it, or hum to give him an extra special sensation. Talk dirty to him to really get him going - tell him what you are going to do to him and ask him if he likes it.

Above all, the most important thing when learning how to give a good blow job, is to learn to enjoy it yourself. If it feels like a chore, or something you have to do just because he wants it, then stop right now. You should not be doing anything in the bedroom that feels like a chore! Learn to enjoy giving him a blow job, and you will both be much happier and enjoy it more. Change your mindset toward it. Challenge yourself to learn some new skills, learn to see it as a gift you can give him, and let yourself be part of it, instead of just giving it.

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How To Give The Best Head

1. Be enthusiastic. · 2. Bring your hands into the mix. · 3. Don't be afraid to add spit (lots of it). · 4. Keep your tongue soft and loose—for the. 1. Don't rush. Take your time. · 2. Foreplay is really, really awesome. · 3. Get into blowjob headspace ahead of time. · 4. Start with your clothes. Get them all worked up by kissing their hips and thighs, then their shaft. Breathe on the tip of their dick, lick it lightly. Flirt with it! Not.