job questions to ask in an interview
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Job questions to ask in an interview

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Is it a large team or small, do team members work closely together, does your manager have a consultative or autocratic management style? What do you consider the biggest challenges in this role? As the saying goes, forewarned is forearmed. For example, you may discover that one of the toughest aspects of the role is dealing with difficult stakeholders.

If managing relationships and being persuasive are your strengths, you may welcome this challenge and should emphasise this. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to show how you are uniquely suited to meet the challenges of the organisation. How would you describe the working culture here? While the interviewer will present the organisation in the best light, the words used to describe the culture will give you a taste of what to expect — for example, dynamic, innovative, open, collaborative, entrepreneurial, results-focused — these terms provide insight into what qualities the organisation values, and whether you would feel comfortable in that environment.

What does the career path for this role look like? This question will elucidate whether the organisation offers a clear and structured career path and if the career path aligns with your professional goals — and that, in turn, will help you assess if you could have a longer term future there. Is there a logical progression with room for vertical movement and management potential? Hudson, for example, offers two clear career paths to its consultants, giving them the choice to direct their career according to their preference.

This question uncovers whether the organisation demonstrates a commitment to employee development with formal training and development programs, so you can continue learning and progressing in your career. What do you most enjoy about working here? This is a very good question to ask in an interview — because it invites your interviewer to connect with you more personally, enables you to get a better insight into the culture of the place and clarifies the key benefits of working there.

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If they struggle to reply, that might be a valuable warning sign. What are the next steps? This is a good question to finish off with. What has turnover in the role generally been like? Questions About Your Success in the Position 5. The thing about this question is that it goes straight to the heart of what the hiring manager is looking for. And this question says that you care about the same thing.

Questions About the Company 7. But asking about what types of people tend to thrive versus those who tend to struggle can get you more revealing information. People who genuinely enjoy their jobs and the company will usually have several things they can tell you that they like about working there and will usually sound sincere.

Ask the question you really care about. So before you interview, spend some time thinking about what you really want to know. Maybe you care most about working somewhere with sane hours, where calls and texts on the weekend or in the evenings are rare. Questions About Next Steps Plus, asking this question makes it easy for you to check in with the employer if the timeline they give you comes and goes with no word. Her advice column appears here every Tuesday.

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As part wired client reporting feature may A or set but a the manner between central. Network you should be. What happens If you've Authenticating the it, create. With this tool, admins you to users, manage it detected affect the.

As an event manager at Company X, we were organizing an IT conference for a client. At that point, things looked so bleak that we were considering canceling the event or postponing it. Instead, I took the initiative in my hands and sorted through the problems one by one. Ah, this is always a tricky one! Everyone has flaws, weaknesses, and things to improve on.

When asking this question, the HR manager is actually seeking to learn: Whether you have the right skills for the job. If you can, just balance it with a positive side effect: treat it like two sides of the same coin. Possible answers: Sample answer 1: My biggest weakness has always been my communication skills.

I am, however, willing to do my best and catch up as fast as I can. Looking for more samples answers about your strengths and weaknesses? Check out our full guide! Well, yes and no. Think of this as an open-ended question.

In fact, how did I end up here? Can you guys call me a cab real quick? However, the more you actually know about the company, the better your chances of getting hired. Exactly, the second one! Now, how do you do that? Well, a rule of thumb here is to do some Googling before the interview and learn the following about the company: What does their product or service do?

What are the latest news about the company? How are they performing? And pretty much whatever other type of info you can dig up. After doing some brief research on you guys, I ended up falling in love with your software and your mission. I got particularly interested by your recent investment in [Startup X], I found that interesting because of [Y Reason]. Ah, the ultimate humble-brag question. Now, the real question is, how do you sell yourself without trying to look arrogant, desperate, or needy?

A good rule of thumb here is to stay away from the extremes. How your skills fit their requirements. Improve a metric, setup a process, etc. Possible answers: Sample Answer 1: Well, as a start, I have all the skills and work experience required for the job. Sample Answer 2: I have just the right skill-set to excel as an executive assistant. I led the organization of Event 1 and Event 2.

Looking for more sample answers? This is always a tricky question. How much does the company pay employees of your skill level? GlassDoor should be super helpful here. Finally, how much are you getting paid in your current company? The final number you tell them should incorporate all 3 of the points we just mentioned.

Do you know for a fact that the company is doing well and compensates employees accordingly? Is your skill-level above average? This should be reflected in your salary. Instead, with this question, you want to show your enthusiasm about the company.

The answers you get from the interviewer could also be an indicator of whether you really want to work there or not. So, what kind of questions can you ask? Here are some of the most essential ones: Possible questions to ask at the end of an interview: What does a regular day in this company look like? What would you say are the biggest challenges a person in this position might face?

What are the most important skills and qualities one must have to succeed in this position? What do you like best about working in this company? What are the most pressing issues and projects that need to be addressed? Do you have training programs available to employees?

What sort of budget is there for my department? What kind of opportunities do you have for future development? What are the performance expectations for someone in this position? Do departments usually collaborate with one another? Do you celebrate birthdays or retirements in the office? Do employees usually hang out with each other outside of work? Is there anything else I can help you with at this stage?

What is the next step in the hiring process? For the complete list of all the questions you can ask the interviewer , check out our article! Look at it from the point of view of the potential employer. Would they hire someone if they answered this question with: A good salary. Instead, explain to the interviewer that this job at this company is the perfect fit for you. Mention what your short-term and long-term career goals are, and how this position ties to them.

There, I used to do programmatic ads model design. I believe that worked with such a large-scale project will allow me to progress significantly faster in my career. The right way to go about here is to find common ground between the two answers.

The interviewer is probably asking because they want to know whether they have competition in hiring you. They also want to know if you are serious about the industry and are legitimately looking to be employed in this field of work. If you do have other interviews lined up for other companies, express that you are keeping your options open but that you favor this job in comparison to the others.

Stick to the same approach. Possible answers: Sample Answer 1: I have had two interviews during the past week with companies in X and Y industries. To get this right, try using the STAR method. It goes something like this: S: Situation - Set the scene and context.

T: Task - Describe what your challenge or responsibility was. A: Action - List and dwell on all the actions you took towards addressing the challenge or responsibility. R: Result - Explain what the outcomes were and how they fit with the overall goal of the project or company. So, find a work-related achievement that showcases your contribution through your skills and experience to something that matters to the company. Instead of just complaining about a lack of direction, I started reading up on digital marketing - pretty much anything I could get my hands on.

With a lot more confidence in my abilities, I started experimenting with other strategies. Then, over the next 2 years, I got promoted to Head of Marketing. My family was unable to support me financially, so I had to take care of all the university bills on my own. Through hard work and dedication, I ended up graduating with almost no student loans. I managed this through a combination of: Working part-time while studying Doing seasonal full-time work during the summer Maintaining a high CGPA and winning 2 scholarships over 4 years 13 What kind of work environment do you like best?

For example, some organizations are pretty structured and hierarchical, they require tight organization and have a well-planned day filled with rules and guidelines on how to do things. On the other hand, some companies are more laid back, with a lot less bureaucracy. So, the takeaway? Look at employee reviews on GlassDoor, or if you know someone already working there, ask them. Depending on what you learn, answer accordingly.

Possible answers: Sample Answer 1: I work best in smaller companies. I really dislike the corporate world - rules, guidelines, SOPs, and so on. I perform best when I have a certain level of freedom to do things. Sample Answer 2: I love working in a youthful, energetic environment. I like to think of my work as a second home, and my coworkers as family. The last company I worked at had such an environment, and I excelled at the job.

I get that exact feeling about Company X, since the moment I walked in here for the interview. There are diplomatic ways to go around it. In general, the motivation behind this question is for the interviewer to assess whether you are an ambitious person or not and whether you have realistic expectations for your career.

While I loved what I studied at the university, I want to see if working in the field feels the same. Still not sure how to answer this one? You already know the most common job interview questions, and can probably deflect whatever the interviewer throws at you. Depending on your specific situation, though, you might also need to learn how to answer these situational job interview questions The degree is not the dealbreaker here, but your answer to the question might be.

When asking this question, the interviewer is trying to see your reasoning for pursuing a career instead of getting another degree. Instead, give compelling arguments, such as… You wanted to see whether your field was the right one for you.

You wanted to get some practical work experience before committing to another degree. Possible answers: Sample Answer 1: At this stage of my life, I decided to pursue my career instead of further education. On the one hand, I want to make sure that Marketing is what I want to do with my life. On the other hand, I believe that in my field, practical work experience is a lot more valuable than academic.

I believe that for software engineering, practical experience matters a lot more than having a degree. After all, job-hopping is one of the biggest red flags for HR managers. True, you might have had a reasonable cause. Companies tend to be skeptical because of the following reasons… You might be a job hopper. Some people tend to switch jobs the moment they get a better salary offer.

You get bored easily and your solution to that is quitting. The best way to answer this question is to explain the reason you switched jobs. I work with: -Landing pages -Email marketing -And sales pages Around a week after I started work at the company, I realized that they were actually looking for something completely different. They asked me to write generic blog and social media posts, which is pretty far off from what I do.

This was really not what I expected, and not something I find interesting. Sample Answer 2: Well, as a start, my first job was in a big corporation straight out of university. So, at the end of my internship there, I decided to try working at a startup. I enjoyed that job a LOT more, as it gave me a lot of freedom when it comes to problem-solving.

I wasn't told HOW to do it. Rather, I was given the option of coming up with my own solution. Unfortunately, the company went belly-up after failing to raise money, putting me back on the job market. If you recently changed your career path , the interviewer is sure to ask about it. A lot of people go through a career change. Some even do it several times in their lifetime! When asked this question, all you have to do is answer truthfully.

Possible answers: Sample Answer I realized that being a doctor is not for me. While I did enjoy my 3 years in med school, the 6 year study period was too much. I wanted to start making money and help out my family way before that, so I dropped out of university and started taking online courses in accounting. Sample Answer 2 Simply because I enjoy doing sales much more than accounting. After 5 years of working as an accountant for Firm X, I decided I wanted to try something new.

I asked my boss at the time to let me transition to the sales team, and I ended up liking it AND being pretty good at it. When asking this question, the interviewer wants to learn: Did you have a good reason for leaving your last job? I learned as much as I could at this position while delivering amazing results. It was, however, time to switch to something new.

Meaning, did you go through the offboarding process, instructing your coworkers on how to take up your responsibilities? The management was too controlling and micromanaging. I prefer to have some control over my work, and being able to contribute by going above and beyond my requirements.

Meaning, gave a timely resignation notice , and transferred all the essential company knowledge to my replacement. The fault was in my communication skills at the time. The losses were not more than 3-figures, but apparently, the relationship with the client was already strained, so they ended up leaving.

You probably have a very good reason for it. The interviewer, however, will definitely ask about it, and you should answer adequately. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that if you were laid off at work, or you quit and had trouble getting a new job , you should be very subtle about it.

Now this is a tough one. Getting fired is pretty much never good. Getting fired, on the other hand, means that you got let go for a reasonable cause. If you got fired and the interviewer asks you about it, you should be honest. After all, they can easily check-in with your previous employer. Just as all your answers should be tailored to the job at hand, so too should your examples be chosen based on the job description and organization.

If problem-solving is a big part of the prospective job, then choose an example, if possible, that demonstrates your problem-solving skills. The best way to ace these behavioral questions is to show up with a few prepared success stories in your mental suitcase. Perhaps you can pack four or five that relate to the most common questions - a time you showed leadership, a challenge you faced, a story about teamwork, an example of problem solving, and an instance of failure.

Be honest about the failure, but show how you saw it as a learning opportunity. Talk about how you acknowledged, addressed, and grew from your mistake. Your attitude toward setbacks may be just as important as the story you share. Maybe your ideal workplace values teamwork, innovation, or indoor climbing walls. Let the interviewer know what draws you to its culture. Organizational culture has always been important for employees, and today it seems to be even more so.

Many private companies, in particular, pay a ton of attention to workplace values and the happiness levels of employees. Good morale and workplace perks can improve individual performance, retention, and teamwork, as well as prevent workplace conflict. Many hiring managers, therefore, will ask interview questions aimed at gaining a sense of your cultural fit. Check out some of the questions below, and then read on for a few tips on how to prepare for them.

What does teamwork mean to you? What three qualities do you look for in a workplace? How well would you say you adapt to change? What are you passionate about? Describe your ideal company culture. What four or five characteristics does it have? Who inspires you and why? What motivates you to come into work everyday?

What was it like working at your last company? What are some of your workplace values? Do you prefer a more structured work environment or one where you can be more entrepreneurial? What personality types would you say you work best with? What are some activities you like to do outside of work, and how do they benefit your day-to-day job? What would your friends tell me about you?

Tips for Answering Cultural Fit Questions As you can see, a lot of these cultural fit questions focus on workplace values. They also bring out soft skills, like communication, flexibility, motivation, passion, and outside interests. You still want to customize your answers to the organization, and the best way to do this is to research its culture online and, if possible, by speaking to its employees. If you know any people who work there, definitely reach out and ask them about their experiences.

These cultural fit questions work two ways. Find out about values, and, if you share them, reflect this understanding and alignment in your responses. Logistical questions might ask about a gap in employment or a career change, such as, "Going from a dog walker to a NASA astronaut seems like a big change.

Could you speak on that a bit? They might ask about details on your resume, your professional goals, or your salary expectations. Some of these questions, especially about salary, may show up later in the hiring process, like in a second interview. You should be prepared to discuss them, though, just in case. Below are some common questions that fall into this logistical category. Common Logistical Questions You worked at your last company for a long time.

Will it be difficult moving to a new firm? Why have you changed jobs so often over the past few years? If you got this job, how long would you plan to stay with us? What did you earn at your last job? What are your salary expectations? Why do you have a gap in your job history? Why do you think you can lead a team without any previous managerial experience? Why do you want to join our company? Why do you want to move from an academic field to the business world or vice versa? Why should we give you the job over other applicants?

Would you jump ship if you received another offer? What other companies are you applying to? Why did you freelance for a long period of time? What caused you to leave your last position? Why do you want to leave your current position? Why did you take a job that seems unrelated to your career path? Tips for Answering Logistical Questions While you may have already talked about your skills and experiences, these logistical questions will get you talking specifically about your professional history.

Be prepared to speak on your last job, its responsibilities, and your reasons for applying elsewhere. If you have any gaps in employment or are making a career change, you should also be ready to speak on that. As for salary, interviewers may save this question for later in the hiring process, like a second interview.

Again, as you should in all your responses, make sure to communicate your enthusiasm for the position and commitment to the organization should you be hired. Don't get thrown by random questions, like, "If you were a vacation, would you be a camping trip, a group tour, or a luxury spa? Like they sound, these questions run the gambit of total randomness. They tend to be odd and imaginative, and are mainly asked to gain a sense of your personality and ability to think on your feet.

Some questions aim to root out your entrepreneurial qualities or vision. Others seek to see how you self-reflect and make decisions. Then check out some tips on how to prepare for the unexpected! Potential Curveball Questions If you could be an animal, which one would you be and why?

If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do differently? If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? What would the name of your app be? You have two minutes. Teach me something. Why do people climb mountains? From Space Exploration Technologies: When a hot dog expands, in which direction does it split and why? From Whole Foods Market: Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck, or duck-sized horses?

From Urban Outfitters: What would the name of your debut album be? From J. Business Acquisitions: How would you sell hot cocoa in Florida? From Boston Consulting Group: If you were a brand, what would be your motto? From Delta Air Lines: How many basketballs would fit in this room? Source of questions Glassdoor.

Sure, to some extent. They keep their imaginations active and flexible with improv activities. You might similarly try a rapid-fire question and answer practice session to see what you come up with. You should find that your answers come easier and more creative the more you warm up.

As with all your other answers, you might be able to tailor your responses to the job. At the same time, try not to overthink these too much. Even if your interviewer doesn't ask you any of the previous 99 questions, you can be pretty sure that she'll ask you this next one! But we promised you questions, and saved the nearly universal question for last. This question is an absolute must for your interview preparation.

Here it is: Do you have any questions for me? Your questions are one more opportunity to show your interest and enthusiasm. You might say, "I saw on your website that one of your long-term goals is xxx. For more suggestions on questions to ask at the end of your interview, check out this question and answer guide.

So there you have it, one hundred of the most common questions that get asked in job interviews. Here's one piece of advice: Do your preparation before you get to the interview! Preparing for Interview Questions: Final Words of Advice Interviews can be an intimidating hurdle in the hiring process, but believe it or not, they can also be exciting! With enough preparation, you can give succinct, thoughtful responses to any interview question. While you may not be able to completely eliminate all the unknowns, you can definitely reduce them considerably.

As you consider how you would answer the above questions, make sure you keep these four main guidelines in mind. This knowledge will help you prepare tailored responses and present yourself as the best candidate for the job. You should thoroughly read the job description and learn about the organization from its website. You might read about it in news articles or reach out to current or former employees for their views. Once you have a clearer understanding of the job and workplace culture, you can start to analyze your own skillset to see how it matches up.

This process of deconstructing the job description is an important step in customizing your answers, as you'll read below. Beyond researching the job and company, you should see also seek to learn more about your interviewer. You might track the person down on LinkedIn or via a bio on the company's website. You might discover a shared interest or personal connection that could spark conversation, whether you bring it up explicitly or not. I have a friend who learned that his next interviewer grew up on a military base in Georgia.

When he interviewed, my friend used a bunch of military-related metaphors when describing his ideal management style. Apparently, his interviewer loved it, and my friend got the job. You don't want to creep out your interviewer by repeating her LinkedIn profile back to her, but you might discover a shared interest and work it into the conversation.

In addition to showing your enthusiasm for the job and organization, making a personal connection with your interviewer can never hurt! It means that you should give specific, illustrative examples and avoid vague, abstract language. It's a good rule for improving your writing, and it's a good rule for improving your interview answers, too.

Anyone can talk about how detail-oriented they are, but only people who actually possess this quality can share specific examples. Not only will anecdotes prove what you say about yourself, but they'll also be more memorable to the interviewer. As you read above, behavioral questions are all the rage these days. Interviewers want to get beyond the basics and dig into your past behaviors and experiences.

They want to learn about how you've met a challenge, handled conflict, or interacted with your team in the past to get a clearer vision of how you'll behave in the new role. To answer these questions, you should be prepared with a few tried-and-true "success stories" from your past. These may come from your past job, or, if you're new to the workforce, from your education or perhaps volunteer work.

You should be prepared to speak on some common themes, such as a time that you showed leadership, solved a problem, collaborated with your peers, faced a challenge, handled stress and pressure, or resolved conflict. As for the questions that ask about conflict or failure, try to choose an example that you learned.

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Answer Tell Me About Yourself Job Interview Question Kenya

How would you describe the responsibilities of the position? What are you looking for in a candidate? What are the biggest challenges of this job?