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Environment science jobs work home jobs online

Environment science jobs

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Environment science is a quantitative discipline comprising applied and theoretical aspects with an influential role in the environmental policies of the world. Who is an Environmental Scientist? People who use their knowledge of the natural sciences to protect the environment and human health are known as environment scientists.

Research-related work carried out in offices and laboratories by the environmental scientist. However, some scientists may spend most of their time in the field to monitor environment conditions. Task and Duties of an Environmental Scientist — to determine methods to collect data for research projects, investigations, and surveys — to collect and compute environmental data from samples of food, water, air, soil, and other materials for scientific analysis — to analyze surveys, samples, and other information to identify and assess threats to the environment — developing plans to control, prevent, or fix environment problems, such as land, water, or air pollution — to provide guidance and information to government officials, and other people on possible environmental hazards and health risks — to prepare technical reports and presentations that explain the research and findings How to set up a Career in Environmental Science?

The Foundation of environmental science is provided in the school-level education itself. Here are some basic steps to establish your career in environmental science. Programs specified to environment science include B.

Sc and B. Therefore, one cannot become a successful environmental scientist from the mere attainment of a degree. Here are some of the major courses one can pursue to become an environmental scientist. Environmental consultant Environmental consultants give expert advice to different organisations on a different environmental issues.

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For example they might advise on whether what environmental impacts a new building project might have. They look at opportunities to use renewable energy and recycle. They make sure companies are playing by the rules ie environmental laws and come up with strategies for where improvements can be made. Adaptability skills are also key. Conservation officer Having good people skills , organisational abilities and a talent for negotiating are important for the role of conservation officer.

Conservation officers protect and improve the rural environment. Their tasks could include advising landowners on how to manage their land, making sure the public can access the countryside, and making sure parks and forests are maintained. Ecologist Ecologists study the relationship between animals, plants and the environment. They typically specialise in a type of environment, like coastal areas, or a kind of animal or plant.

Ecologists carry out research in the field, working with animals or observing plants, then recording their findings. They look at how humans affect the environment and keep track of pollution.

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All levels of government, local, state, and federal, employ environmental scientists. There are many great career options for environmental scientists. Some environmental scientists work in the field collecting samples of soil, water, air, and other organic materials to monitor ecosystems and address environmental problems. They may also provide information and recommendations to government officials and business owners about specific environmental issues or hazards. This means part of being an environmental scientist is writing papers and technical reports, giving presentations, and sometimes educating the general public about critical environmental issues.

Graduates with a Bachelor of Environmental Science often work as wildlife biologists. So, if you know you want to work with animals, you may also want to consider an environmental degree in wildlife conservation. Wildlife biologists study animals and their relationships to ecosystems. They may work in the field, in an office, or in a lab.

The majority of wildlife biologists work for state and federal governments, while some work for research companies or universities. This includes risks both from and for the environment, based on the actions of individual people, businesses and their practices. They can work in private and public sector, offering advice and technical services to help improve health and safety in the environment.

Environmental Health Safety Technician Environmental Health and Safety Technicians design and implement systems to ensure safe practice for people, ecology and environment. They may be in charge of procurement and fitting of devices designed to improve health and safety. They will not be responsible for taking decisions about policy but will be on the front line of consultation and implementation for both indoor and outdoor environments. They require analytical and communication skills to liaise between front line employees and decision-makers.

Environmental Health Safety Trainer Environmental Health and Safety Trainers work as consultants and trainers: either on a freelance basis, or employed specifically by companies to engage in that role. Instead, they provide education services directly or indirectly to ensure that businesses are able to comply with legislation or industry standards on health and safety and work and proper care in the environment.

Environmental Monitor Environmental Monitors sample the environment around us — the air, water and soil — to look for certain elements. Typically, they will look for chemicals, bacteria or other life forms, and imbalances in the environmental profile. There are many purposes to this, but normally they are looking for pollution, radiation or other problems that could cause short or long-term issues. Environmental Monitors might examine ozone levels of the upper atmosphere or try to work out the effectiveness of workplace ventilation.

They are usually looking for things that can affect human, animal or environmental health. Environmental Psychologist Did you know that, when given a choice of painted scenery, most people prefer open landscapes with water? The preeminent Harvard biologist E. Wilson attributes this to "biophilia", our need for nature. Specifically, we still prefer environments that were evolutionarily advantageous for us.

Our preferences are hard-wired by our history. The environments in which we spend time exert a strong influence on our well-being, possibly affecting everything from our attention spans to urban crime. However, other needs seemingly conflict with our built-in need for nature.

Our environments have been designed for maximum cost efficiency rather than optimal human well-being. This perceived conflict affects our built environment, as well as the natural environment. Environmental psychologists study the interactions between people and their environments.

Environmental Sampling Technician Environmental Sampling Technicians, like Environmental Monitors, take environmental samples from water, soil and air. They look for bacteria, chemicals and other elements to build a picture of that particularly element of the ecology, pollution, paleo-environmental changes and other details. Their work will form part of a larger research project in which they will play this single part.

They differ from Environmental Monitors in that they are unlikely to play a part in wider research, report writing or decision-making. Environmental writers develop and share their expertise on a topic such as water or wildlife. Or, they learn about new topics, issues, and technologies. Environmental writers help publicize the potential solutions and brilliant minds that are shaping our energy and environmental future. They also uncover new environmental challenges, bringing them to the attention of policymakers and the public.

Ethnoarchaeologist Ethnoarchaeology is the ethnographic study of technologically primitive people in order to understand elements of our past in an existing context. The aim is to explain phenomena in a number of prehistoric and historic archaeological areas including environment, belief, technology, social development, roles and attitudes, and agriculture the technology, the process and the social perspective.

Ethnoarchaeology helps us understand those elements of archaeology that we cannot always ascertain and about which we can only theorize. Fire Fuel Manager Fire and Fuel Managers work at our local, state and national parks or anywhere else that there is extensive woodland that could suffer the effects of forest fire. There has been an increasing need for these in the last few years, particularly in the western states where forest fires are becoming more intense and regular.

They help control fires and maintain forest to promote new growth as well as administering controlled fires to keep the ecology healthy and prosperous. They are, essentially, forestry managers with a stronger focus on ecology and the role of fire and the fuel that drives it.

Fire Protection Engineer Fire Protection Engineers are tasked with the design and implementation of system for improving fire safety. They devise and install fire protection equipment and ensure proper use of that equipment. It applies the science of engineering to protect environments, property and people from the effects of fire and smoke. They may specialize in detection, mitigation, prevention or general safety.

They have a variety of roles available to them, anywhere there may be a requirement to design electronic or other physical systems for fire safety. Fire Safety Specialist Fire Safety Specialists have a range of tasks in their role of fire protection. They use and implement systems designed by fire safety engineers and installers.

They will be well-versed in fire safety methods, technology, building material and legislation. Their remit is to ensure protection of people, environments. Buildings and landscapes from the effects of fire and smoke damage. They will understand chemical materials, which are flammable and which are retardant and the problem handling in risk assessment.

Forensic Biologist Forensic Biologists are a type of specialist biologist that mostly work for government law enforcement agencies. They collect and analyze evidence from a crime scene with which Police or Federal agents FBI for example will build a case.

They will also publish reports that will be used in criminal prosecution cases to build a picture of the events or be entered as evidence by the defense or prosecution in building or defending the case. Their specialist knowledge of biology helps build criminal and civil cases. They may also work with anthropologists, using detective skills to piece together a picture of a biological environment or scenario. Forensic Scientist Abandoned mines and industrial "brownfields" unfortunately pepper the American landscape.

Fortunately, environmental forensic scientists are on the case. They also determine the nature and cause of contaminated wells or groundwater. Geneticist Endangered and threatened species face many challenges, including inbreeding and lack of genetic variation due to declining populations. Isolated communities of non-endangered species are also facing challenges.

As land clearing and development increase, they fragment wildlife habitats, creating isolated pockets of native wildlife and plant species. Geneticists who study genes, heredity, and genetic variation can help determine how best to boost the gene pools of these wild communities to decrease their susceptibility to disease, increase their evolutionary fitness, and increase their chances for survival. Geochemist Geochemists use chemistry as a tool to examine volume and distribution of chemicals as aspects of mineral and rock profiles.

They also examine how and why such chemical elements end up in the air, in our soils, water systems and as nutrients or food supply, and also the processes that turn organic matter into fossil fuel over geological time. They can work in a variety of industries, from water quality monitoring to fossil fuel prospecting, to chemistry research and academia, and even in rock dating.

Geodesist Geodesists are mapping specialists involved in taking complex measurements of geographic areas, Unlike GIS technicians, they measure and record the large planetary motions such as tides, fault lines, polar motions and gravity. Their methods may have changed in line with technology, but theirs is one of the oldest environmental sciences in the world. With this study, humans have been able to cross the oceans and map our continents, plan growing seasons and fishing; they have contributed to our very survival.

Today, they work with astrophysicists, able to measure the distances between stars and galaxies. They are crucial in measuring just about anything. Geographer What do melting ice caps have to do with climate refugees in Southeast Asia? How is 3D printing related to reducing carbon emissions? How did the Mississippi River come to be, and what will happen to it in the future? These are just a few of the questions that geographers investigate.

Geographers are at the epicenter of the growing focus on environmental sustainability. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of geography, geographers are well-positioned to study environmental changes, and how these changes relate to humanity. Geographers can also help policymakers, corporations, and other key players understand interactions between people and the environment, and how to make them more sustainable. Maps can get information across quickly, often providing a new perspective.

The proliferation of mapping apps and tools means that anyone can make their own simple maps. Overlaying multiple different layers of data about the same location in a GIS allows specialists to query them in terms of their spatial relationships with each other. This approach can lead to new insights. GIS specialists use professional-level, sophisticated software to display, query, and analyze data for a wide range of applications.

Geological Oceanographer Geological and Geophysical Oceanographers, also known as Marine Geology and Geophysics, look at the physics and geology of the oceans. This includes thermal activity, the effects of gravity and electromagnetic waves and processes that make up the oceans. They study rocks, rock formations and natural processes using specialist technology and record them for other specialists.

Their remit is the physics of oceans and how they can affect the chemistry and biology. They examine the natural movements of the Earth to understand what effects it has on life in the oceans. Geologist Geologists study rocks, rock formations, rock patterns, structures and the process by which rocks are created, formed shaped and move. Geology is the backbone of Earth sciences that attempt to help us understand the formation of the Earth.

Although many specialize after qualifying to work in specific fields, there are hundreds of opportunities for geological generalists. They may also study biological life as it pertains to geology. Some animal and plant species prefer certain types of rock, and these rocks can affect the acidity or alkalinity of the soil, in turn determining the ecology.

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