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Jobs environmental sciences

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When a facility is decommissioned, individuals who work in this role are responsible for ensuring that safety procedures are followed with regard to public health and environmental contamination. They will decontaminate the facility in the process of decommissioning. Ecologist Ecology differs from other biological sciences primarily through its investigation of both the abiotic non-living components of an area as well as the biotic living components. Thus, ecologists often are involved with research that studies the interactions between the two.

Although ecologists have a wide range of what they can do, typical job duties may include anything from in-field research, development of management plans, acting as a consultant for larger organizations, monitoring biodiversity, or teaching. Oftentimes, ecologists will study how human-induced impacts, for example pollution into a stream, will impact and affect the biotic communities within that area.

They may plan the project from its beginning, collect field data for a period of time, and then close the project by reporting their findings with the goal of developing a management plan. In the more senior levels, ecologists may become natural resource managers or research administrators, moving away from the field work and more towards initiating poignant studies. With increased needs for comprehensive understandings of how humans are impacting environments, a career as an ecologist is an exciting one.

They will be first on the scene following environmental or natural disasters, terrorist attack where hazardous materials might be present. They will help with the cleanup of oil spills, evacuation and directing people in the affected area following an earthquake, volcano eruption, tsunami, hurricanes emergency relief and cleanup following tornados — always with the provision that toxic material could provide a secondary hazard.

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As far as the environmental sector is concerned, they may typically be seen at chemical spill zones, gas leaks and other areas of contamination where people might need emergency medical care at the place of the accident. They work for hospitals, ambulance services, fire departments and the military. Entomologist The great Harvard entomologist Edward O. Wilson once said, "If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos. They control pests and recycle nutrients.

Some species can be detrimental to crops, trees, and animals. Entomologists, scientists who study insects, unravel these relationships. They investigate important issues like the mysterious die-offs of commercially owned bees called "colony collapse disorder". They use their knowledge of insects to protect crops, people, livestock, and the planet. Environmental Biologist Fortunately, the United States has a variety of laws and regulations in place to help protect the environment.

Environmental biologists monitor environmental conditions such as water quality and assess the health of ecosystems, often by studying "indicator species" like worms living at the bottom of water bodies. While less than glamourous, these species can provide a picture of the overall health of an ecosystem. They also investigate how development projects might affect ecosystems and the organisms that live in them.

Their recommendations can lead to plan modifications that better protect the environment. Environmental Biotechnology Nature is the ultimate engineer. It manufactures all kinds of things, from spider webs to bone, all perfectly fine tuned for their functions. And it does it all through incredibly efficient processes that recycle everything, generating zero waste. Environmental biotechnologists have been taking notes from nature. These professionals use natural organisms and processes to clean up contaminants, making the chemicals just another resource.

For example, environmental biotechnologists use tough microbes and plants to clean up contaminated environments. Thanks to these workers, former industrial sites can be made safe and redeveloped, improving local environments, health, and economic activity. Other environmental biotechnologists work to make the very heart of our economy more sustainable by creating plant-based biofuels and bioplastics.

Either of these specializations can lead to a promising and rewarding career. Environmental Chemist Chemicals are everywhere — they permeate our economy, our lives, and our environment. Sometimes, these chemicals have negative effects that go undetected for quite some time. Chemicals that affect the climate, air quality, coral reefs, water quality, and other aspects of the environment make environmental chemistry a fertile field for aspiring scientists who enjoy solving problems and making a difference.

Environmental Data Analyst Environmental Data Analysts are a special kind of data analyst or statistician. Environmental data can be complex, incorporating sets from a variety of sources and it must be understandable to a variety of stakeholders. They help business executives, government and educators to make the right decision.

They also need to produce reports in easy to read language for cross-disciplinary research. They may also be involved in public outreach, presenting facts that the average person may understand. Their job is to take raw data and make sense of it for each respective audience. Environmental Engineer Built environments have huge impacts on the natural world that are currently being exacerbated by population growth, land-use pressure, and the fast development of new technologies.

Environmental engineers are instrumental in developing and optimizing built environments in a way that maintains or improves the environmental quality at both the local and global scale. As such, they require intensive training in both conventional engineering, as well as strong understandings of ecological interactions and ecosystem health. Common responsibilities typically include system design, advising on policy and regulation decisions, consulting for natural resource management, and system evaluation and monitoring.

Environmental engineers often work with industrial processes and will develop systems that reduce waste, improve resource efficiency, or mitigate impacts to the local environment. Due to the intensive knowledge base that must be developed across both the engineering and environmental fields, environmental engineers require formal university-based education and are highly competitive in the job market.

It is common for environmental engineers to work at a variety of levels, including all ranges of the non-profits, private, and governmental sectors. This urban expansion will fuel increased demand for metals and water. Also, as population increases, more waste will need to be disposed of. Environmental geologists help meet these growing challenges in safe and sustainable ways.

Environmental geology deals with issues that affect - or are affected by - local geology, such as oil and mineral extraction, industrial waste disposal, and natural hazards like volcanoes and earthquakes. Environmental geologists mainly work on preventing groundwater and soil contamination by identifying suitable waste disposal sites and making them environmentally safe.

They also help clean up contaminated sites. This includes risks both from and for the environment, based on the actions of individual people, businesses and their practices. They can work in private and public sector, offering advice and technical services to help improve health and safety in the environment. Environmental Health Safety Technician Environmental Health and Safety Technicians design and implement systems to ensure safe practice for people, ecology and environment.

They may be in charge of procurement and fitting of devices designed to improve health and safety. They will not be responsible for taking decisions about policy but will be on the front line of consultation and implementation for both indoor and outdoor environments. They require analytical and communication skills to liaise between front line employees and decision-makers.

Environmental Health Safety Trainer Environmental Health and Safety Trainers work as consultants and trainers: either on a freelance basis, or employed specifically by companies to engage in that role. Instead, they provide education services directly or indirectly to ensure that businesses are able to comply with legislation or industry standards on health and safety and work and proper care in the environment.

Environmental Monitor Environmental Monitors sample the environment around us — the air, water and soil — to look for certain elements. Typically, they will look for chemicals, bacteria or other life forms, and imbalances in the environmental profile. There are many purposes to this, but normally they are looking for pollution, radiation or other problems that could cause short or long-term issues.

Environmental Monitors might examine ozone levels of the upper atmosphere or try to work out the effectiveness of workplace ventilation. They are usually looking for things that can affect human, animal or environmental health. Environmental Psychologist Did you know that, when given a choice of painted scenery, most people prefer open landscapes with water?

The preeminent Harvard biologist E. Wilson attributes this to "biophilia", our need for nature. Specifically, we still prefer environments that were evolutionarily advantageous for us. Our preferences are hard-wired by our history. The environments in which we spend time exert a strong influence on our well-being, possibly affecting everything from our attention spans to urban crime.

However, other needs seemingly conflict with our built-in need for nature. Our environments have been designed for maximum cost efficiency rather than optimal human well-being. This perceived conflict affects our built environment, as well as the natural environment. Environmental psychologists study the interactions between people and their environments.

Environmental Sampling Technician Environmental Sampling Technicians, like Environmental Monitors, take environmental samples from water, soil and air. They look for bacteria, chemicals and other elements to build a picture of that particularly element of the ecology, pollution, paleo-environmental changes and other details. Their work will form part of a larger research project in which they will play this single part.

They differ from Environmental Monitors in that they are unlikely to play a part in wider research, report writing or decision-making. Environmental writers develop and share their expertise on a topic such as water or wildlife. Or, they learn about new topics, issues, and technologies. Environmental writers help publicize the potential solutions and brilliant minds that are shaping our energy and environmental future. They also uncover new environmental challenges, bringing them to the attention of policymakers and the public.

Ethnoarchaeologist Ethnoarchaeology is the ethnographic study of technologically primitive people in order to understand elements of our past in an existing context. The aim is to explain phenomena in a number of prehistoric and historic archaeological areas including environment, belief, technology, social development, roles and attitudes, and agriculture the technology, the process and the social perspective.

Ethnoarchaeology helps us understand those elements of archaeology that we cannot always ascertain and about which we can only theorize. Fire Fuel Manager Fire and Fuel Managers work at our local, state and national parks or anywhere else that there is extensive woodland that could suffer the effects of forest fire. What are my options? The Guide to Green Careers provides a good overview of the growing area of interest. The My Next Move site is a good place to start exploring jobs that are changing to incorporate more aspects of environmental sustainability.

For example, as more businesses start to look for ways to become more environmentally sustainable, the demand for people trained in both business and environmental fields Sustainability Specialists is expected to grow. A degree in Environmental Studies from UNO can also help prepare you for careers in the emerging field of sustainability.

I know what kind of job I want once I graduate. Will a degree in Environmental Studies prepare me for that job?

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Demand Jobs in environmental science are rapidly growing, so the projected rate of 15 percent from to still applies to environmental engineers. State and local government positions are particularly expected to increase in availability as the need for more efficient water usage increases.

How to Become an Environmental Engineer Receiving an undergraduate degree in environmental engineering or another branch of engineering is the first step toward becoming an environmental engineer. Accruing work experience and developing a strong knowledge in current environmental issues is also important.

Environmental Lawyer There are many lawyers that truly enjoy the justice system and law, but are passionate about the environment. Many lawyers put their two favorite passions together and engage in a career as an environmental lawyer. Environmental lawyers usually represent different companies, businesses, organizations, communities, or even farmers. These are the positions that use your advanced education to actually come up with new and innovative policies and to design and execute plans to put them into effect.

As you might imagine, this requires a depth of training that a bachelor's degree can't provide. Master's and doctoral programs go into much greater detail and more tightly focused specializations, including: Juris Doctor in Environmental Law Masters in Environmental Planning and Design Master of Business Administration in Sustainability and Compliance Masters of Energy Regulation and Law Doctorate in Environmental Economics You'll need to tailor your approach to preparing for the doctorate or master's you'll need to get into a career at this level.

There is an enormous difference in the kind of prerequisites and the course load required to become an environmental lawyer versus an expert in sustainability practices, for example. The curriculum you will study at the graduate level will be similarly specialized. However, there will be some similarities in most degrees designed to prepare you for a career in policy and planning positions.

That means that no matter what niche you're getting into within the broader category, you'll likely encounter some variation of these kinds of courses: Environmental law and regulation -The structure of environmental legal frameworks and enforcement are important to all planners and policy makers. You'll look at both case law and major environmental legislation like the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act, as well as government agencies that enforce those laws, like the Environmental Protection Agency.

Current and proposed environmental policy -You'll study the trends in environmental policy, particularly with relation to global climate change and carbon emissions as well as proposals to handle the effects of rising seas and warming temperatures. Global and international environmental policy -The international component of environmental law is important when looking at policy on a global scale, so you will study major international organizations operating under the auspices of the United Nations, and treaties like the Paris Treaty that nations have developed to cooperate.

For a full list and even more educational and salary information, look to our Environmental Policy and Planning Careers page. Sustainable Development and Engineering - Degree Options and Salaries for Careers Related to Sustainable Building and Engineering Careers in sustainability energy and building are unique in that they are expanding in every industry. As sustainability becomes more important to both public approval and economic growth, companies need professionals attuned to the trends and best practices in sustainable building and engineering.

This means that you can find work in sustainable building and engineering at almost every educational level, from ground level technical positions that involve the manufacturing and installation of sustainable energy infrastructure like wind turbines and solar arrays, to the high level engineering jobs responsible for designing, developing and testing that equipment.

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